
Latin > English

Parthus Parthi N M :: Parthian; inhabitant of Parthia (country south of Caspian Sea)

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

Parthus: a, um, v. Parthi, A.
Parthus: i, f.,
I a city in Illyria, near Dyrrachium; hence, Parthīni (Par-thēni), ōrum, m., the inhabitants of Parthus, Parthinians, Mel. 2, 3, 11; Plin. 3, 22, 26, § 143; Cic. Pis. 40, 96; Caes. B. C. 3, 11; 41; 42; Liv. 29, 12; 33, 34 fin.; Fasti Capitol. ap. Grut. 297; Marin. Frat. Arv. p. 607. —In sing.: Parthīnus, i, m.
   1    An appellation of C. Asinius Pollio, the conqueror of the Parthinians; hence, Parthina gens, of Asinius Pollio, Suet. Aug. 19.—
   2    In gen.: PARTHINVS, a surname, Inscr. Murat. 1186, 8.
Parthus: i, m.,
I a Parthian; v. Parthi.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

Parthus,¹⁰ a, um (Πάρθος), des Parthes, des Perses : Cic. Fam. 9, 25, 1 ; Ov. F. 5, 580 || v. Parthi.