
Latin > English

destimulo destimulare, destimulavi, destimulatus V TRANS :: goad hard/on; stimulate (L+S)

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

dē-stĭmŭlo: (di-), āre,
I v. a., to goad on, to stimulate (late Lat.), trop.: exercendi stili amore, Symm. Ep. 4, 26; Paul. Nol. Carm. 27, 23.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

dēstĭmŭlō,¹⁶ āre, tr., stimuler, exciter fortement : P. Nol. Carm. 27, 23.

Latin > German (Georges)

dē-stimulo, āre, heftig anspornen, anreizen, Eccl.

Latin > Chinese

destimulo, as, are. :: 耗失。盡。— fortunas meas 浪费吾財帛。