
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

ob-tŭĕor: ēri (archaic
I inf. obtuērĭer, Plaut. Am. 3, 2, 19.—A collat. form, obtŭ-or, is assumed to explain indic. pres. obtuĕre, Plaut. Most. 1, 1, 66; 3, 2, 153; and inf. obtŭi, Att. ap. Non. 160, 1; Trag. Rel. v. 285 Rib. al.), v. dep. a.
I To look at, gaze upon (ante-class.; cf.: intueor, adspicio): aliquem, Plaut. Most. 1, 1, 66; id. Am. 3, 2, 19: terram, to look down, i. e. be cast down, id. Bacch. 4, 4, 17.—
II To see, behold, perceive, Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 153.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

obtŭĕor¹⁵ (opt-), ērī, tr., regarder en face : Pl. Amph. 900 || apercevoir, voir : Pl. Most. 840.

Latin > German (Georges)

ob-tueor (optueor), ēri, I) irgendwo hinsehen, ansehen, ad alqm. Plaut.: alqm, Plaut. – II) erblicken, Plaut. most. 840. – / Parag. Infin. optuerier, Plaut. Amph. 900; most. 840. – Archaist. Nbf. optuor, wov. 2. Pers. Indik. Präs. optuere, Plaut. most. 69 u. 837: Infin. Präs. obtuī, Acc. tr. 285 u. 319.

Latin > Chinese

obtueor, eris, eri. d. 2. :: 愼看