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Κύριε, σῶσον τὸν δοῦλον σου κτλ. → Lord, save your slave ... (mosaic inscription from 4th cent. church in the Negev)


Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

ălĭŭbĭ: adv. 2. alius-ubi, a rare form for the contr. alibi,
I elsewhere (once in Varr.; in Plin. far less freq. than alibi; never in connection with the negatives non, nec, nec usquam; a few times in Seneca and in the Digg.)
I Vetant hoc aliubi venti, Plin. 14, 1, 3, § 14; so id. 13, 4, 7, § 28; 17, 2, 2, § 16.—
II Esp.
   A Repeated in different clauses: aliubi ... aliubi, in one place ... in another; here ... there (cf. alibi): aliubi cum decimo redeat, aliubi cum quinto decimo, Varr. R. R. 1, 44: aliubi pro aquā, aliubi pro pabulo pendunt, Plin. 12, 14, 32, § 65; so id. 22, 18, 21, § 45; 34, 14, 41, § 145; Sen. Ben. 1, 5, 5.—
   B Aliubi atque aliubi, here and there, now here, now there: Mutatio voluntatis indicat animum natare, aliubi atque aliubi apparere, prout tulit ventus, Sen. Ep. 35 fin.: aliubi atque aliubi diversa poena est, in different places, id. Ben. 3, 6, 2: eadem aquatilium genera aliubi atque aliubi meliora, Plin. 9, 54, 79, § 168.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

ălĭŭbī,¹² adv. (alius, ubi), ailleurs : Sen. Ep. 99, 29 ; 104, 8, etc. || aliubi... aliubi Varro R. 1, 44, 1, à un endroit... à un autre, cf. Sen. Rhet. Contr. 2, 5, 8 ; Sen. Ben. 1, 5, 5, etc. ; aliubi atque aliubi Sen. Ben. 3, 6, 2, ailleurs et encore ailleurs, en cent endroits divers.
     aliubei CIL 1, 585, 86.

Latin > German (Georges)

aliubī (arch. aliubei, Corp. inscr. Lat. 1, 200, 86), Adv. (alius u. ubi), anderswo, Sen. ep. 32, 31; de ben. 6, 33, 3 u.a. Plin. 12, 58 u.a. Ter. Clem. dig. 35, 1, 64. § 1. Marcian. dig. 48, 24, 2: non al., Plin. 13, 129: nec usquam al., Plin. 36, 59 u.a. – aliubi... aliubi, hier... dort, Varr. r.r. 1, 44, 1. Sen. contr. 2, 5 (13), 8. Sen. de ben. 1, 5, 5 u. Plin. 12, 6, 5: aliubi... aliubi... aliubi, Plin. 11, 33: aliubi atque aliubi, hier und dort, bald hier, bald dort, an verschiedenen Orten, Sen. ep. 35, 4 u.a. Plin. 9, 168.

Latin > English

aliubi ADV :: elsewhere, in another place; in other respects , otherwise; in another matter