μή μοι θεοὺς καλοῦσα βουλεύου κακῶς· πειθαρχία γάρ ἐστι τῆς εὐπραξίας μήτηρ, γυνὴ Σωτῆρος· ὦδ᾽ ἔχει λόγος → When you invoke the gods, do not be ill-advised. For Obedience is the mother of Success, wife of Salvation—as the saying goes.
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
commendābĭlis: e, adj. commendo,
I worthy of praise, commendable (rare; perh. not ante-Aug.); with abl., Liv. 42, 5, 5: arbustum fructu, Col. 5, 6, 37: suco, Plin. 13, 9, 18, § 62: aviculae cantu, Val. Max. 9, 1, 2. —Absol., Liv. 37, 7, 15.—Comp., Treb. XXX. Tyrann. 16.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
commendābĭlis, e (commendo), recommandable, aliqua re, par qqch. : Liv. 42, 5, 5 ; abst] Liv. 37, 7, 15 || -lior Treb. Tyr. 16.
Latin > German (Georges)
commendābilis, e, Adi. m. Compar. (commendo), empfehlenswert, multa in eo (rege) et dexteritas et humanitas visa, quae commendabilia apud Africanum erant, die bei Afr. zur Empfehlung gereichten, Liv. – m. Ang. wodurch? durch Abl., (Perseus) multis caedibus infamis nec ullo commendabilis merito, Liv.: Pomponius novitate inventi a se operis c., Vell.: aviculae cantu commendabiles, Val. Max.
Latin > English
commendabilis commendabile, commendabilior -or -us, commendabilissimus -a -u ADJ :: praiseworthy, notable; be commended, commendable