life is a blank
From LSJ
ἅτε γὰρ ἐννάλιον πόνον ἐχοίσας βαθύν σκευᾶς ἑτέρας, ἀβάπτιστος εἶμι φελλὸς ὣς ὑπὲρ ἕρκος ἅλμας → for just as when the rest of the tackle labors in the depths of the sea, like a cork I shall go undipped over the surface of the brine | as when the other part of the tackle is laboring deep in the sea, I go unsoaked like a cork above the surface of the sea
English > Greek (Woodhouse Extra)
ἀβίωτόν ἐστι, οὐ βιωτόν ἐστι, ἀβίωτον
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