Ὁ συκοφάντης ἐστὶν ἐν πόλει λύκος (τοῖς πέλας λύκος) → Calumniator, quemquem novit, huic lupus'st → Der Denunziant lebt in der Stadt gleichsam als Wolf (ist seinen Nachbarn wie ein Wolf)
English (LSJ)
τό, name of the letter μ, IG2.4321.24 (iv B. C.), Epigr. ap. Ath. 10.454f, Hellad. ap. Phot.Bibl.p.530 B., etc. 2 μῦ or μὺ μῦ, to represent a muttering sound made with the lips, μῦ λαλεῖν to mutter, Hippon.80 (dub. l.); to imitate the sound of sobbing, μὺ μῦ, μὺ μῦ Ar.Eq.10.
French (Bailly abrégé)
1(τό) :
v. Μ, μ.
onomatopée pour exprimer un gémissement, un grognement.
Russian (Dvoretsky)
I τό indecl. мю (название буквы μ).
II и μύ interj., выраж. скорбь, рыдание, стон Arph.: μῦ λαλεῖν Sext. бормотать.
III voc. к μῦς.
Frisk Etymological English
Grammatical information: n.
Meaning: the twlfth letter of the Greek alphabet (inscr. IVa ).
Origin: LW [a loanword which is (probably) not of Pre-Greek origin] Sem.
Etymology: Transformation after νῦ of a Semitic name, cf. Hebr. mēm. Ion. has μῶ for it (Demoχr., Delos IIIa; Schulze KZ 42, 113 = Kl. Schr. 372), like νῶ after ῥω.̃ Cf. Schwyzer 140.
Grammatical information: interj.
Meaning: μυμῦ imitation of a complaint. (Ar. Eq. 10).
Origin: ONOM [onomatopoia, and other elementary formations]
Etymology: Cf. Schwentner Die prim. Interjektionen in den idg. Sprachen (1924) 29 a. 50f. Cf. Lat. mu facere. S. μύζω.
Middle Liddell
Μ, μ, μῦ, τό:—indecl., twelfth letter in the Gr. alphabet: as numerals, μ# = 40, but *2μ = 40,000.
I. μ is the labial liquid, corresponding to β:
II. changes:
1. aeolic and Lacon. into π, as πεδά for μετά.
2. attic and doric into ν, as νιν for μιν; so Lat. ne, num = μή, μῶν.
3. μ is doubled,
a. poet. in compds., as ἄμμορος, φιλομμειδής; and after the augm., as ἔλλαβον.
b. aeolic, as ἄμμες ὔμμες ἐμμί, for ἡμεῖς ὑμεῖς εἰμί.
4. μ is added,
a. at the beginning of a word, as ἴα μία, ὄσχος μόσχος.
b. in the middle of a word to facilitate pronunciation, as ὄμβριμος ὄβριμος, τύμπανον τύπανον, etc., esp. after redupl., as πίμπλημι for πίπλημι; after α- privat., as ἄμβροτος, ἄβροτος.
Frisk Etymology German
μῦ: 1.
Grammar: n.
Meaning: der zwölfte Buchstabe des gr. Alphabets (Inschr. IVa usw.).
Etymology : Umbildung nach νῦ von einem semitischen Namen. vgl. hebr. mēm. Ion. dafür μῶ (Demokr., Delos IIIa; Schulze KZ 42, 113 = Kl. Schr. 372), wie νῶ nach ῥῶ Dazu Schwyzer 140.
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Forms: μυμῦ
Meaning: Imitation der Klage (Ar. Eq. 10);
Etymology : vgl. Schwentner Die prim. Interjektionen in den idg. Sprachen (1924) 29 u. 50f. S. μύζω.
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