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συκοφάντης ἐστὶν ἐν πόλει λύκος (τοῖς πέλας λύκος) → Calumniator, quemquem novit, huic lupus'st → Der Denunziant lebt in der Stadt gleichsam als Wolf (ist seinen Nachbarn wie ein Wolf)

Menander, Monostichoi, 440
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Full diacritics: μῦ Medium diacritics: μῦ Low diacritics: μυ Capitals: ΜΥ
Transliteration A: Transliteration B: my Transliteration C: my Beta Code: mu=

English (LSJ)

τό, name of the letter μ, IG2.4321.24 (iv B. C.), Epigr. ap. Ath. 10.454f, Hellad. ap. Phot.Bibl.p.530 B., etc.    2 μῦ or μὺ μῦ, to represent a muttering sound made with the lips, μῦ λαλεῖν to mutter, Hippon.80 (dub. l.); to imitate the sound of sobbing, μὺ μῦ, μὺ μῦ Ar.Eq.10.

French (Bailly abrégé)

1(τό) :
v. Μ, μ.
onomatopée pour exprimer un gémissement, un grognement.

Russian (Dvoretsky)

I τό indecl. мю (название буквы μ).
II и μύ interj., выраж. скорбь, рыдание, стон Arph.: μῦ λαλεῖν Sext. бормотать.
III voc. к μῦς.

Frisk Etymological English

Grammatical information: n.
Meaning: the twlfth letter of the Greek alphabet (inscr. IVa ).
Origin: LW [a loanword which is (probably) not of Pre-Greek origin] Sem.
Etymology: Transformation after νῦ of a Semitic name, cf. Hebr. mēm. Ion. has μῶ for it (Demoχr., Delos IIIa; Schulze KZ 42, 113 = Kl. Schr. 372), like νῶ after ῥω.̃ Cf. Schwyzer 140.
Grammatical information: interj.
Meaning: μυμῦ imitation of a complaint. (Ar. Eq. 10).
Origin: ONOM [onomatopoia, and other elementary formations]
Etymology: Cf. Schwentner Die prim. Interjektionen in den idg. Sprachen (1924) 29 a. 50f. Cf. Lat. mu facere. S. μύζω.

Middle Liddell

Μ, μ, μῦ, τό:—indecl., twelfth letter in the Gr. alphabet: as numerals, μ# = 40, but *2μ = 40,000.
I. μ is the labial liquid, corresponding to β:
II. changes:
1. aeolic and Lacon. into π, as πεδά for μετά.
2. attic and doric into ν, as νιν for μιν; so Lat. ne, num = μή, μῶν.
3. μ is doubled,
a. poet. in compds., as ἄμμορος, φιλομμειδής; and after the augm., as ἔλλαβον.
b. aeolic, as ἄμμες ὔμμες ἐμμί, for ἡμεῖς ὑμεῖς εἰμί.
4. μ is added,
a. at the beginning of a word, as ἴα μία, ὄσχος μόσχος.
b. in the middle of a word to facilitate pronunciation, as ὄμβριμος ὄβριμος, τύμπανον τύπανον, etc., esp. after redupl., as πίμπλημι for πίπλημι; after α- privat., as ἄμβροτος, ἄβροτος.

Frisk Etymology German

μῦ: 1.
Grammar: n.
Meaning: der zwölfte Buchstabe des gr. Alphabets (Inschr. IVa usw.).
Etymology : Umbildung nach νῦ von einem semitischen Namen. vgl. hebr. mēm. Ion. dafür μῶ (Demokr., Delos IIIa; Schulze KZ 42, 113 = Kl. Schr. 372), wie νῶ nach ῥῶ Dazu Schwyzer 140.
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Forms: μυμῦ
Meaning: Imitation der Klage (Ar. Eq. 10);
Etymology : vgl. Schwentner Die prim. Interjektionen in den idg. Sprachen (1924) 29 u. 50f. S. μύζω.
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