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Γυναικὶ κόσμοςτρόπος, οὐ τὰ χρυσία → Non ornat aurum feminam at mores probi → Die Art schmückt eine Frau, nicht güldenes Geschmeid

Menander, Monostichoi, 92
Click links below for lookup in third sources:
Full diacritics: κᾱλαπόδιον Medium diacritics: καλαπόδιον Low diacritics: καλαπόδιον Capitals: ΚΑΛΑΠΟΔΙΟΝ
Transliteration A: kalapódion Transliteration B: kalapodion Transliteration C: kalapodion Beta Code: kalapo/dion

English (LSJ)

τό, Dim. of καλάπους 1, Gal.6.364 (v.l. καλοπόδιον, q.v.).

Wikipedia EN

A pair of wooden lasts.

A last is a mechanical form shaped like a human foot. It is used by shoemakers and cordwainers in the manufacture and repair of shoes. Lasts typically come in pairs and have been made from various materials, including hardwoods, cast iron, and high-density plastics.


Bulgarian: калъп; Danish: læst; Dutch: leest; Finnish: lesti; French: forme; German: Leisten; Greek: καλαπόδι; Ancient Greek: καλάπους, καλόπους; Hindi: जूते बनाने का फर्म; Hungarian: kaptafa; Italian: forma; Latin: mustricula; Luxembourgish: Leescht; Persian: قالب کفش‎, خهل‎, تولبره‎; Polish: kopyto; Portuguese: forma; Romanian: formă; Russian: колодка; Scottish Gaelic: ceap; Spanish: horma; Swedish: läst

ca: formó; cs: ševcovské kopyto; cv: атă-пушмак калăпĕ; da: læst; de: Leisten; en: last; eo: ŝuformilo; es: horma; et: kingaliist; eu: orkoi; fi: lesti; fr: forme à monter; hu: kaptafa; lb: leescht; nl: leest; nn: leist; no: skomakerlest;: kopyto szewskie; ru: обувная колодка; sv: läst; uk: взуттєва колодка; zh: 鞋楦