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Ubi idem et maximus et honestissimus amor est, aliquando praestat morte jungi, quam vita distrahi → Where indeed the greatest and most honourable love exists, it is much better to be joined by death, than separated by life.

Valerius Maximus, De Factis Dictisque

Latin > English

dactylis dactylidis N F :: kind of grape; (long like a finger)

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

dactylis: ĭdis, f.,
I a kind of grape; cf. the following, no. II.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

dactўlis, ĭdis, v. dactylides vites.

Latin > German (Georges)

dactylis, idis, f. (δακτυλίς, einem Finger ähnlich), eine Weintraubengattung, ›digitali gracilitate‹, Plin. 14, 40: dieselbe dactylus gen., Col. 3, 2, 1.