ὦ δυσπάλαιστον γῆρας, ὡς μισῶ σ' ἔχων, μισῶ δ' ὅσοι χρῄζουσιν ἐκτείνειν βίον, βρωτοῖσι καὶ ποτοῖσι καὶ μαγεύμασι παρεκτρέποντες ὀχετὸν ὥστε μὴ θανεῖν: οὓς χρῆν, ἐπειδὰν μηδὲν ὠφελῶσι γῆν, θανόντας ἔρρειν κἀκποδὼν εἶναι νέοις → Old age, resistless foe, how do I loathe your presence! Them too I loathe, whoever desire to lengthen out the span of life, seeking to turn the tide of death aside by food and drink and magic spells; those whom death should take away to leave the young their place, when they no more can benefit the world
Latin > English
desultorius desultoria, desultorium ADJ :: of/belonging to a desultor (circus trick rider); desultory (L+S); superficial
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
dēsultōrĭus: a, um, adj. desultor.
I Of or belonging to a vaulter (desultor): equi, Suet. Caes. 39: levitas, Mart. Cap. 1, § 88.—Subst.: desultorius, ii, m., Cic. Mur. 27, 57.—
II Desultory, superficial, Ap. M. 1, p. 102, 14.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
dēsultōrĭus,¹⁶ a, um (desultor), [cheval] qui sert à la voltige : Suet. Cæs. 39 || subst. m., Cic. Mur. 57, écuyer de cirque.
Latin > German (Georges)
dēsultōrius, a, um (desultor), zum desultor gehörig, eines Springers zu Pferde, equus, Suet. Caes. 39, 2: quasi desultorius, wie eines Springers Roß, Cic. Mur. 57: levitate pernix desultoriā, Mart. Cap. 1. § 88. – übtr., bald auf diesen, bald auf jenen Gegenstand überspringend, scientia, Apul. met. 1, 1.