From LSJ
κοινὴ γὰρ ἡ τύχη καὶ τὸ μέλλον ἀόρατον → fortune is common to all, the future is unknown | fortune is common to all and the future unknown | fate is common to all and the future unknown
English (LSJ)
ὀθονιοπώλου, ὁ, linen-merchant, UPZ109.13 (i B. C.), v.l. in Dsc.5.134; = lintearius, Glossaria.
German (Pape)
[Seite 296] ὁ, Leinwandhändler.
Greek (Liddell-Scott)
ὀθονιοπώλης: -ου, ὁ, ὁ πωλῶν ὀθόνια, Γλωσσ.
Greek Monolingual
ὀθονιοπώλης, ὁ (Μ)
αυτός που πουλά οθόνια, έμπορος λινών υφασμάτων.
[ΕΤΥΜΟΛ. < ὀθόνιον + -πώλης (< πωλῶ)].