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μή, φίλα ψυχά, βίον ἀθάνατον σπεῦδε, τὰν δ' ἔμπρακτον ἄντλει μαχανάν → Oh! my soul do not aspire to eternal life, but exhaust the limits of the possible. | Do not yearn, O my soul, for immortal life! Use to the utmost the skill that is yours. | Do not, my soul, strive for the life of the immortals, but exhaust the practical means at your disposal.

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Full diacritics: ἔρεψις Medium diacritics: ἔρεψις Low diacritics: έρεψις Capitals: ΕΡΕΨΙΣ
Transliteration A: érepsis Transliteration B: erepsis Transliteration C: erepsis Beta Code: e)/reyis

English (LSJ)

εως, ἡ,

   A roofing, Thphr.HP5.6.1, Supp.Epigr.3.147 (iii B. C.) ; style of roof, Plu.Per.13, Ant.45, etc.

German (Pape)

[Seite 1026] ἡ, das Bedecken, Bedachen, das Dach, Theophr.; Plut. Pericl. 13 Anton. 45.