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Revision as of 11:35, 5 August 2017 by Spiros (talk | contribs) (6_14)

βίος ἀνεόρταστος μακρὴ ὁδὸς ἀπανδόκευτος → a life without feasting is a long journey without an inn | a life without festivals is a long journey without inns | a life without festivals is a long road without inns | a life without festivity is a long road without an inn | a life without festivity is like a long road without an inn | a life without holidays is like a long road without taverns | a life without parties is a long journey without inns | a life without public holidays is a long road without hotels

Click links below for lookup in third sources:
Full diacritics: λοπητός Medium diacritics: λοπητός Low diacritics: λοπητός Capitals: ΛΟΠΗΤΟΣ
Transliteration A: lopētós Transliteration B: lopētos Transliteration C: lopitos Beta Code: lophto/s

English (LSJ)


   A the time of bark peeling off, Id.HP5.1.1.

Greek (Liddell-Scott)

λοπητός: ὁ, ἡ περίοδος ὅτε λοπῶσι τὰ δένδρα, δηλ. ὅταν ὁ φλοιὸς αὐτῶν εἶναι εὐπεριαίρετος, «ξεφλουδίζηται» εὐκόλως, Θεόφρ. π. Φυτ. Ἱστ. 5. 1, 1.