From LSJ
ἐν δὲ τοῖς φυσικοῖς ἀεὶ οὕτως, ἂν μή τι ἐμποδίσῃ → in natural products the sequence is invariable, if there is no impediment | now with that which is natural it is always thus if there is no impediment
ἐν δὲ τοῖς φυσικοῖς ἀεὶ οὕτως, ἂν μή τι ἐμποδίσῃ → in natural products the sequence is invariable, if there is no impediment | now with that which is natural it is always thus if there is no impediment
Full diacritics: δίψησις | Medium diacritics: δίψησις | Low diacritics: δίψησις | Capitals: ΔΙΨΗΣΙΣ |
Transliteration A: dípsēsis | Transliteration B: dipsēsis | Transliteration C: dipsisis | Beta Code: di/yhsis |
εως, ἡ,
A a thirst, longing, Ath.1.10b; cf. δίψα.
[Seite 647] ἡ, das Durften, Ath. I, 10 b.
δίψησις: -εως, ἡ, δίψα, ἐπιθυμία, Ἀθήν. 10Β· πρβλ. δίψα.
εως (ἡ) :
Étymologie: διψάω.