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οὔτε σοφίας ἐνδείᾳ οὔτ' αἰσχύνης περιουσίᾳ → neither from lack of knowledge nor from superfluity of modesty

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Full diacritics: πολύρρην Medium diacritics: πολύρρην Low diacritics: πολύρρην Capitals: ΠΟΛΥΡΡΗΝ
Transliteration A: polýrrēn Transliteration B: polyrrēn Transliteration C: polyrrin Beta Code: polu/rrhn

English (LSJ)

ηνος, (ἀρήν)

   A rich in lambs, Carm.Naupact.2 (EGFp.199K.): dat.sg. -ρρηνι Hsch. (-ρρήνη cod.): nom. pl. -ρρηνες, ἄνδρες Il.9.154,296, Hes.Fr.134.3, cf. Theoc. 25.117: the older dat. of πολύρρην ( Πολύ-ϝρην) is πολύαρνι (from *πολύ-ϝνι) Il.2.106 (-ϝρην is to ν-ι as πατήρ to πατρ-ί).

French (Bailly abrégé)

ηνος (ὁ, ἡ)
celui ou celle qui est riche en agneaux, p. suite en troupeaux.
Étymologie: πολύς, *ῥήν.