From LSJ
Βάδιζε τὴν εὐθεῖαν, ἵνα δίκαιος ᾖς → Incede rectam, si vir es iustus, viam → Damit gerecht du bist, geh den geraden Weg
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
contăbŭlātĭo: ōnis, f. contabulo,
I a joining of boards together, a flooring, planking; a floor or story, a covering of boards (very rare), Caes. B. C. 2, 9 (four times); Vitr. 10, 15, 3: proscenii, App. Flor. 4, 18.—
II Transf., of garments, folds, tucks, App. M. 11, p. 258, 26.