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ἐξ ὀνύχων λέοντα τεκμαίρεσθαι → judge by the claws, judge by a slight but characteristic mark, small traits give the clue to the character of a person, deduce something from a small indication, identify a lion from its claws


Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

lĕvāmen: ĭnis, n. levo,
I an alleviation, mitigation, solace, consolation (mostly poet.): quod si esset aliquod levamen, id esset in te uno, * Cic. Att. 12, 16: dulce viatori lasso in sudore levamen, * Cat. 68, 61; * Prop. 4 (5), 11, 63: omnis curae casusque levamen, Amitto Anchisen, * Verg. A. 3, 709: ejus mali, Liv. 6, 35, 1.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

lĕvāmĕn,¹² ĭnis, n. (levo 2), soulagement : Cic. Att. 12, 16 ; Catul. 68, 61 ; Virg. En. 3, 709 ; Liv. 6, 35, 1.