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μὴ περιρέμβου ζητοῦσα θεόν → do not roam about looking for god


Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

sescentĭes: (less correctly sexc-),
I num. adv. sescenti, six hundred times: sescenties HS., six hundred times a hundred thousand, sixty millions of sesterces, Cic. Att. 4, 16 C, 14; so, sestertium sescenties, Plin. Ep. 2, 20, 13: sescenties vicies, Lampr. Commod. 15 (in Plaut. Men. 5, 4, 8, the true read. is sescentos).

Latin > German (Georges)

sescentiēs (sescentiēns), Adv. (sescenti), sechshundertmal, Plaut., Cic. u.a. – zur Angabe einer großen Zahl, Cic. fr. b. Non. 269, 5 (= Cic. fr. epist. V. no. 5. p. 41 Kays. od. p. 295 Muell.).