From LSJ
λύπης ἰατρός ἐστιν ἀνθρώποις λόγος → for men reason cures grief, for men reason is a healer of grief, a physician for grief is to people a word, pain's healer is a word to man, logos is a healer of man's anguish, talking through one's grief is therapeutic
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
tergĭversanter: adv., v. tergiversor.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
tergĭversantĕr (tergiversor), en hésitant, en tergiversant : Vell. 1, 9, 3.
Latin > German (Georges)
tergiversanter, Adv. (tergiversor), zögernd = ungern, Vell. 1, 9, 3.