
From LSJ
Revision as of 15:31, 15 August 2017 by Spiros (talk | contribs) (Autenrieth)

οἴνῳ τὸν οἶνον ἐξελαύνεινchase out the wine with wine, take a hair of the dog that bit you, try to drive out the wine with wine

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Full diacritics: πεφυυῖα Medium diacritics: πεφυυῖα Low diacritics: πεφυυία Capitals: ΠΕΦΥΥΙΑ
Transliteration A: pephyuîa Transliteration B: pephyuia Transliteration C: pefyyia Beta Code: pefuui=a

English (LSJ)


   A v. φύω.

Greek (Liddell-Scott)

πεφυυῖα: πεφυῶτες, ἴδε ἐν λ. φύω.

English (Autenrieth)

see φύω.