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τὰ σῦκα σῦκα, τὴν σκάφην δὲ σκάφην ὀνομάζειν → call a spade a spade | speak the truth | speak straight from the shoulder | give it straight from the shoulder | give the straight goods | not to mince matters | not to mince words | not mince words | call things by their right names | call a spade a spade and a shovel a shovel | call a shovel a shovel | call a spade a spade, not a big spoon

Click links below for lookup in third sources:
Full diacritics: {{{Full diacritics}}} Medium diacritics: χρηΐα Low diacritics: {{{Low diacritics}}} Capitals: ΧΡΗΪΑ
Transliteration A: chrēḯa Transliteration B: chrēia Transliteration C: chriia Beta Code: xrhi/+a

English (LSJ)

πενία, ἢ χρήματα, Hsch.    II χρήϊα, Cret., = χρήματα, SIG527.84 (Dreros, iii B. C.), cf. Hsch.

German (Pape)

[Seite 1373] , ion. = χρεία.

Greek Monolingual

, Α
(κρητ. τ.) βλ. χρεία.