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From LSJ
- Aesōpĭcus: a, um, adj. Aesopus, I Æsopic. Acc. to Isid. Orig. 1, 39, fables are either Æsopic or Libystic (from Libys, a writer of fables, mentioned by388 bytes (49 words) - 08:06, 13 August 2017
- Lĭbystĭcae fābŭlae: v. Aesopicus.68 bytes (4 words) - 08:35, 13 August 2017
- Phaedr. 5 prol. The difference between Æsopic and Libystic fables, v. under Aesopicus.—Cf. Quint. 5, 11, 19; Gell. 2, 29.— II A tragic actor, friend of Cicero:2 KB (283 words) - 08:04, 19 October 2022