πρότερον χελώνη παραδραμεῖται δασύποδα → ere that, the tortoise shall outrun the hare | sooner will a tortoise outrun a rough-foot | sooner will a tortoise outrun a hare
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
hoc: abl. and
I neutr. of hic, q. v.
hoc: adv., v. huc.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
1 v. hic
2 adv. = huc : Pl. Capt. 480 ; Truc. 282, etc. ; Ter. Eun. 394 ; 501 ; Andr. 386, etc. ; Nep. Phoc. 3, 2 ; hoc accessit manus Ventidii Brut. d. Cic. Fam. 11, 10, 3, à cela s’est ajoutée la troupe de Ventidius.
Latin > German (Georges)
hōc, Adv. (hic, haec, hoc) = huc, hierher, dahin, Plaut. capt. 329 u. ö. (s. Brix zu d. St. u. Brix u. Lorenz zu Plaut. mil. 766 = 759). Verg. Aen. 8, 423. Corp. inscr. Lat. 10, 5921 u. 7457: et hoc et illoc (= illuc), Petron. 39, 8. – übtr., hoc non voluntas me impulit, Plaut. merc. 321. – Vgl. Neue-Wagener Formenl.3 2, 613.
Latin > Chinese
hoc. adv. (hic.) :: 此。向此。甚。— lucis 此日。Lucescit — jam 天已亮矣。De amore tuo — audio libentius quo saepius 聽述徳意。愈頻愈喜。Id — evenit ut mors obrepat interim 特有此欲其時間潛亡故也。