διὸ δὴ πᾶς ἀνὴρ σπουδαῖος τῶν ὄντων σπουδαίων πέρι πολλοῦ δεῖ μὴ γράψας ποτὲ ἐν ἀνθρώποις εἰς φθόνον καὶ ἀπορίαν καταβαλεῖ → And this is the reason why every serious man in dealing with really serious subjects carefully avoids writing, lest thereby he may possibly cast them as a prey to the envy and stupidity of the public | Therefore every man of worth, when dealing with matters of worth, will be far from exposing them to ill feeling and misunderstanding among men by committing them to writing
German > Latin
sogar, etiam (auch, ebenfalls auch, z.B. quibus malis adeo sunt Poeni perterriti, ut etiam auxilia ab Romanis petiverint). – vel (auch wenn es sein müßte, wenn es verlangt würde, z.B. isto modo vel consulatus vituperabilis est). – quin od. quin etiam. atque etiam (ja sogar auch, wenn auf das Vorhergesagte noch etwas Stärkeres folgt, z.B. credibile non est, quantum scribam die, quin etiam noctibus). – ipse (selbst, z.B. ipsa virtus contemnitur). – und sogar, ja sogar, atque adeo. – sogar du nicht, ne tu quidem; nec tu.