Ἴσος ἴσθι πᾶσι, κἂν ὑπερέχῃς τῷ βίῳ → Quamvis superior sorte, da te aequum omnibus → Sei allen gleich, auch wenn du reicher bist
Greek > English (Woodhouse Verbs Reversed)
(see also λαμβάνω): acquire, catch, contract, derive, grasp, obtain, overtake, receive, seize, surprise, take, try, be heightened, bring under one's power, catch in the act, catchy in the act, come to an end, come to, come upon suddenly, get a person into one's power, get into one's clutche's, get into one's power, grasp with the mind, lay under a curse, make proof of, make trial of, persons, receive a beating, seize by violence, take in flank, take in marriage, take in the act, take to wife, take vengeance for
Lexicon Thucydideum
capere, to take, capture, 1.30.1, 1.53.2. 1.53.3. 1.57.6, 1.75.2, 1.76.4. 1.103.1, 1.105.2. 1.108.3. 1.113.2. 1.115.3. 1.128.5. 1.136.3. 2.5.4. 2.26.2. 2.30.1, 2.63.2, 2.67.4. 2.80.8. 2.84.4. 2.92.2. 2.92.5. 2.94.3, 3.32.1, 3.35.1. 3.58.3. 3.81.2. 3.85.2. 3.91.5, (potiti, having obtained), item likewise 3.103.3. 4.5.1, 4.9.1, 4.14.1. 4.21.3. 4.27.5. 4.32.3. 4.49.1, 4.52.3. 4.69.1, 4.73.4. 4.101.4. 4.106.3. 4.107.2. 4.116.1. 4.118.4. 5.3.1. 5.3.2. 5.6.1, 5.52.1. 5.83.2. 5.115.2, 5.116.4. 6.15.2, 6.64.1. 6.90.3. 6.95.1. 7.3.4. 7.25.4, 7.31.1. 7.53.3. 7.54.1. 7.78.4, 7.81.5. 7.86.2. 8.1.1, 8.9.3. 8.19.3. 8.20.1. 8.20.2. 8.27.4, 8.28.3. Ibid. in the same place 8.35.3. 8.39.3. 8.43.1. 8.74.3. 8.84.4. 8.95.7. 8.102.3. 8.106.1. 8.27.3. 8.107.1.
PASS. 1.23.2, 1.110.3. 2.5.7. 3.24.2, 3.94.5. 4.14.4. 4.38.5. 4.47.1. 4.56.1. 4.70.1. 4.100.5. 4.101.1. 4.106.1. 5.34.2. 6.57.4. 6.91.3, 6.91.7. 7.23.1. 7.24.1, 7.42.4. 7.45.2. 7.85.3. 7.87.4. 8.55.3. 8.92.2. 8.98.4.
accipere, to receive, 1.33.2, 1.41.2, 1.126.5. 1.130.1. 2.58.1. 2.67.3. 2.97.4, 3.17.3, 3.27.3. 3.62.5. 3.81.4, 4.52.2. 4.87.1, 4.125.2. 5.50.4, 6.5.3. 6.17.3. 6.62.4. 6.80.4, 6.80.5. 6.98.1. 7.27.2, 8.28.4. 8.58.6., 8.83.3. 8.101.1.
sumere, secum capere, to take up, take with oneself, 1.48.1, 1.116.3. 1.128.3, 2.85.6. 2.93.2, 3.70.6, 3.81.2. 4.28.1. 4.28.4. 4.36.2. 4.43.1. 4.83.1. 6.50.2. 7.3.1, 7.43.2, 7.73.2, 8.31.1. 8.33.1. 8.69.2, 8.88.1. 8.98.1,
deprehendere, to catch, detect, 6.10.4,
PASS. 5.65.5, 6.33.3,
devincere, to conquer completely, 5.63.1,
PASS. 6.77.2,
auferre, tollere, to carry off, remove, 3.75.4,
exigere, to demand, 8.18.1,
percipere, experiri, to perceive, experience, 1.34.3, 2.43.2, 4.17.4,
concipere, to conceive, imagine, 1.77.6, 2.88.2, 4.34.1,
animo accipere, iudicare, to understand in mind, judge, 3.38.4, 3.56.3, 3.59.1, 4.17.3, 6.27.3, 6.53.3, 6.61.1,
praecipere, to advise, warn, 3.83.4,
incurrere in, to fall into, encounter, 2.64.5,
nancisci, to attain, acquire, 5.102.1, 6.34.6, 6.60.4, 6.86.3, 8.64.5,
de itinere, concerning a journey 7.1.1,
de mensura, concerning measurement 3.20.4,
de morbo, concerning disease invadere, to attack, 2.49.2, 2.49.8,
de animo, concerning spirit 2.92.1,
de iis, quibus aliquid imponitur, concerning those on whom something is imposed 4.69.2, 4.115.3,
in culpa esse, accusari, to be blamed, accused, 2.18.3. 6.60.1.
experimentum facere, to make trial, 7.21.2,
veniam obtinere, to obtain pardon, 3.40.1.
sumere poenas, to exact punishment, 2.42.4.
altiorem fieri, to become loftier, 1.91.1,
Neutr. neuter appetere, to strive for, 2.34.8,
MED. petere, assequi, to seek, attain, 3.24.2, 3.106.3, 8.80.3.