From LSJ
ἀπορράπτειν τὸ Φιλίππου στόμα ὁλοσχοίνῳ ἀβρόχῳ → sew up Philip's mouth with an unsoaked rush, stop Philip's mouth with an unsoaked rush, shut one's mouth without any trouble
English (LSJ)
ἀμφιπλεκές, = ἀμφίπλεκτος (intertwined), Orph. A. 607.
Spanish (DGE)
entretejido, enroscado ἀμφιπλεκὲς ἔρνος ἀμπέλου Orph.A.607.
German (Pape)
[Seite 142] ές, umschlingend, τινί, Orph. Arg. 605.
Greek (Liddell-Scott)
ἀμφιπλεκής: -ές, = ἑπομ., Ὀρφ. Ἀργ. 605.