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|elnltext=πλημυρίς -ίδος, ἡ [πλήμη: vloed] Hom. -μῠ-, trag. -μῡ-, later -μῠ- en -μῡ- vloed, vloedgolf. stroom:. σταγόνες... δυσχίμου πλημυρίδος druppels van een gruwelijke tranenstroom Aeschl. Ch. 186. opeenhoping van vocht. Hp. Acut. 62.
|elnltext=πλημυρίς -ίδος, ἡ [πλήμη: vloed] Hom. -μῠ-, trag. -μῡ-, later -μῠ- en -μῡ- vloed, vloedgolf. stroom:. σταγόνες... δυσχίμου πλημυρίδος druppels van een gruwelijke tranenstroom Aeschl. Ch. 186. opeenhoping van vocht. Hp. Acut. 62.
|etymtx=-ίδος<br />Grammatical information: f.<br />Meaning: <b class="b2">high tide of the sea, flood</b> (ι 486, Ion. poet., hell.).<br />Other forms: Acc. also <b class="b3">-ιν</b> (cf. bel.); <b class="b3">-μμ-</b> mss.<br />Derivatives: <b class="b3">πλημύρ-ω</b> <b class="b2">to have flood, to overflow, to submerge</b> (Archil., B., Call.) with <b class="b3">πλήμυρα</b> f. = <b class="b3">πλημυρίς</b> (hell.); byform <b class="b3">-έω</b> <b class="b2">id.</b> (Hp., Plu.; like <b class="b3">κύρ-ω</b> : <b class="b3">-έω</b> etc., Schwyzer 721) with <b class="b3">-ίη</b>, <b class="b3">-ία</b> f. (Aret., sch.).<br />Origin: PG [a word of Pre-Greek origin]X [probably]<br />Etymology: As <b class="b3">ἁλμ-υρίς</b> is built from <b class="b3">ἅλμη</b>, <b class="b3">πλημ-υρίς</b> goes back on <b class="b3">πλήμ-η</b> (fist hell., but <b class="b3">πλήσμη</b> already Hes.; cf. also <b class="b3">πλήμνη</b>). From there (or from <b class="b3">*πλημυρός</b> like <b class="b3">ἁλμυρός</b>?) <b class="b3">πλημύρω</b> with further derivv. From <b class="b3">πλημύρω</b> a.o. the vowellength was also introduced in <b class="b3">πλημυρίς</b>. Bechtel Lex.s. v. -- The geminate <b class="b3">μμ</b>, usual in mss., is introduced from <b class="b3">πλημμελής</b> and other compp. (Schwyzer 280). The accentuation <b class="b3">πλήμυρις</b>, <b class="b3">-ιν</b> (sch. as alternative, EM; cf. Wackernagel Gött. Nachr. 1914, 107 [Kl. Schr. 2, 1164] n. 1) can come from the opposite <b class="b3">ἄμπωτις</b> (and von <b class="b3">πλήμυρα</b>?). -- The usual connection with <b class="b3">μύρομαι</b> is to be rejected. -- The suffix <b class="b3">-υρ-</b> is Pre-Greek, and so may be the whole word.