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|etymtx=Grammatical information: Adv.<br />Meaning: <b class="b2">silently, in silence</b>, also interj. <b class="b2">be quiet!, hush!</b> (trag.).<br />Derivatives: Besides <b class="b3">σιγάω</b> (Hom. only ipv. <b class="b3">σίγα</b>; ind. since h. Merc.), fut. <b class="b3">σιγήσομαι</b> (S., E., Ar. a. o.), <b class="b3">-ήσω</b> (AP, D. Chr. a. o.), perf. <b class="b3">σεσίγηκα</b> (Aeschin.), pass. <b class="b3">σιγ-άομαι</b> (S.), aor. <b class="b3">-θῆναι</b> (Hdt., E.), <b class="b3">-αθῆναι</b> (Theoc.), fut. <b class="b3">-ηθήσομαι</b> (E.), perf. <b class="b3">σεσίγ-ημαι</b>, Dor. <b class="b3">-αμαι</b> (Pi., E.), sometimes with <b class="b3">κατα-</b> a. o., 'to be quiet, to keep secret', pass. <b class="b2">to be kept secret</b>. Subst. <b class="b3">σιγή</b>, Dor. <b class="b3">-ά</b> (Pi.) f. [[silence]], [[secrecy]] (Il.; Hom. only <b class="b3">σιγῃ̃</b>; cf. below); late innovation <b class="b3">σῖγος</b> n. <b class="b2">id.</b> (An. Ox.; cf. Schwyzer 512). -- Derivations. 1. From <b class="b3">σιγή</b>: <b class="b3">σιγ-αλέος</b> [[silent]] (AP, Orph.), <b class="b3">-άζω</b> (Pi., X., D.C. a.o.; <b class="b3">κατα-</b> σῖγα Arist. a.o.) <b class="b2">to make silent</b>; <b class="b3">κατασιγαίνει</b> H to <b class="b3">πραΰνει</b>. 2. From <b class="b3">σιγάω</b>: <b class="b3">σιγ-ηλός</b>, Dor. (Pi.) <b class="b3">-αλός</b> [[silent]] (Hp., S., Arist. etc.; may also come from <b class="b3">σιγ</b>ή, Thieme Studien 50 A. 3), <b class="b3">-ηρός</b> <b class="b2">id.</b> (Men., LXX a. o.), <b class="b3">-ητής</b> m. <b class="b2">silent person</b> (Latium IIp), <b class="b3">-ητικός</b> [[silent]] (Hp.), <b class="b3">-ημονᾳ̃ς σιγᾳ̃ς</b> H. -- On the unclear <b class="b3">σιγ-άρνης</b> m. (Call. Epigr. 45, 6) s. Schwyzer RhM 75, 447 a. 77, 105.<br />Origin: XX [etym. unknown]<br />Etymology: As basis of this wordgroup is prob. to be considered the first interjectival adv. <b class="b3">σῖγα</b>; from there the ipv. <b class="b3">σίγα</b> and the instrumental dat. <b class="b3">σιγῃ̃</b> (cf. Porzig Satzinhalte 74) of a gradually built verbal and nominal inflection (Schwyzer 722 n. 3 a. 726, Schw.-Debr. 257 n. 1, Chantraine Gramm. hom. 1, 357; diff. Georgacas Glotta 36, 181 f.). -- For <b class="b3">σῖγα</b> onomatop. origin is prob., s. Schwyzer 307 w. lit. On the other hand <b class="b3">ῥίγα</b> (i.e. <b class="b3">Ϝίγα</b>) <b class="b3">σιώπα</b> H. points to orig. <b class="b3">*σϜιγ-</b>, which fits best to the WestGerm. verb for <b class="b2">schweigen (be silent)</b> in OHG [[swīgēn]] (only the velar is genetically deviant); on the anlaut cf. the doublet <b class="b3">ὗς</b> : <b class="b3">σῦς</b>. Further forms w. lit. and hypothetic connections in Bq, WP. 2, 534, Pok. 1052. -- Cf. [[σιωπάω]], <b class="b3">-ή</b>. On the IE expressions for <b class="b2">be silent</b> Porzig Gliederung 107.
|etymtx=Grammatical information: Adv.<br />Meaning: <b class="b2">silently, in silence</b>, also interj. <b class="b2">be quiet!, hush!</b> (trag.).<br />Derivatives: Besides <b class="b3">σιγάω</b> (Hom. only ipv. <b class="b3">σίγα</b>; ind. since h. Merc.), fut. <b class="b3">σιγήσομαι</b> (S., E., Ar. a. o.), <b class="b3">-ήσω</b> (AP, D. Chr. a. o.), perf. <b class="b3">σεσίγηκα</b> (Aeschin.), pass. <b class="b3">σιγ-άομαι</b> (S.), aor. <b class="b3">-θῆναι</b> (Hdt., E.), <b class="b3">-αθῆναι</b> (Theoc.), fut. <b class="b3">-ηθήσομαι</b> (E.), perf. <b class="b3">σεσίγ-ημαι</b>, Dor. <b class="b3">-αμαι</b> (Pi., E.), sometimes with <b class="b3">κατα-</b> a. o., 'to be quiet, to keep secret', pass. <b class="b2">to be kept secret</b>. Subst. <b class="b3">σιγή</b>, Dor. <b class="b3">-ά</b> (Pi.) f. [[silence]], [[secrecy]] (Il.; Hom. only <b class="b3">σιγῃ̃</b>; cf. below); late innovation <b class="b3">σῖγος</b> n. <b class="b2">id.</b> (An. Ox.; cf. Schwyzer 512). -- Derivations. 1. From <b class="b3">σιγή</b>: <b class="b3">σιγ-αλέος</b> [[silent]] (AP, Orph.), <b class="b3">-άζω</b> (Pi., X., D.C. a.o.; <b class="b3">κατα-</b> σῖγα Arist. a.o.) <b class="b2">to make silent</b>; <b class="b3">κατασιγαίνει</b> H to <b class="b3">πραΰνει</b>. 2. From <b class="b3">σιγάω</b>: <b class="b3">σιγ-ηλός</b>, Dor. (Pi.) <b class="b3">-αλός</b> [[silent]] (Hp., S., Arist. etc.; may also come from <b class="b3">σιγ</b>ή, Thieme Studien 50 A. 3), <b class="b3">-ηρός</b> <b class="b2">id.</b> (Men., LXX a. o.), <b class="b3">-ητής</b> m. <b class="b2">silent person</b> (Latium IIp), <b class="b3">-ητικός</b> [[silent]] (Hp.), <b class="b3">-ημονᾳ̃ς σιγᾳ̃ς</b> H. -- On the unclear <b class="b3">σιγ-άρνης</b> m. (Call. Epigr. 45, 6) s. Schwyzer RhM 75, 447 a. 77, 105.<br />Origin: XX [etym. unknown]<br />Etymology: As basis of this wordgroup is prob. to be considered the first interjectival adv. <b class="b3">σῖγα</b>; from there the ipv. <b class="b3">σίγα</b> and the instrumental dat. <b class="b3">σιγῃ̃</b> (cf. Porzig Satzinhalte 74) of a gradually built verbal and nominal inflection (Schwyzer 722 n. 3 a. 726, Schw.-Debr. 257 n. 1, Chantraine Gramm. hom. 1, 357; diff. Georgacas Glotta 36, 181 f.). -- For <b class="b3">σῖγα</b> onomatop. origin is prob., s. Schwyzer 307 w. lit. On the other hand <b class="b3">ῥίγα</b> (i.e. <b class="b3">Ϝίγα</b>) <b class="b3">σιώπα</b> H. points to orig. <b class="b3">*σϜιγ-</b>, which fits best to the WestGerm. verb for <b class="b2">schweigen (be silent)</b> in OHG [[swīgēn]] (only the velar is genetically deviant); on the anlaut cf. the doublet <b class="b3">ὗς</b> : <b class="b3">σῦς</b>. Further forms w. lit. and hypothetic connections in Bq, WP. 2, 534, Pok. 1052. -- Cf. [[σιωπάω]], <b class="b3">-ή</b>. On the IE expressions for <b class="b2">be silent</b> Porzig Gliederung 107.
|mdlsjtxt=[[σιγή]]<br /><b class="num">1.</b> [[silently]], [[σῖγα]] ἔχειν to be [[silent]], Soph.; [[κάθησο]] [[σῖγα]] Ar.; [[alone]], [[σῖγα]] [[hush]]! be [[still]]! Aesch.:—the [[public]] [[crier]] proclaiming [[silence]] said [[σῖγα]] πᾶς (sc. ἔστὠ Ar.<br /><b class="num">2.</b> under one's [[breath]], in a [[whisper]], [[secretly]], Aesch., Soph.