
δεκτή: Difference between revisions

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|etymtx=Grammatical information: f.<br />Meaning: <b class="b3">χλαῖνα</b>, <b class="b3">χλανίς</b> H.<br />Origin: XX [etym. unknown]<br />Etymology: Blumenthal Hesychst. 25 n. 1 through dissimilation of <b class="b3">*τεκτή</b>, to Lat. [[tego]], [[toga]]; improbable.
|etymtx=Grammatical information: f.<br />Meaning: <b class="b3">χλαῖνα</b>, <b class="b3">χλανίς</b> H.<br />Origin: XX [etym. unknown]<br />Etymology: Blumenthal Hesychst. 25 n. 1 through dissimilation of <b class="b3">*τεκτή</b>, to Lat. [[tego]], [[toga]]; improbable.
|ftr='''δεκτή''': {dektḗ}<br />'''Meaning''': [[χλαῖνα]], [[χλανίς]] H.<br />'''Etymology''' : Nach v. Blumenthal Hesychst. 25 A. 1 durch Dissimilation aus *τεκτή, zu lat. ''tego'', ''toga''. — Ganz unwahrscheinlich.<br />'''Page''' 1,360