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|etymtx=Grammatical information: m.<br />Meaning: name of a Pontic fish, which is also found in the Danube (Ar. Fr. 414, Ephipp., Gal., Ael.).<br />Other forms: <b class="b3">μύλος</b> Opp.<br />Origin: XX [etym. unknown]<br />Etymology: As the fish cannot be further defined (s. Thompson Fishes s.v.), all explanations are in the air. The connection with the group of <b class="b3">μέλας</b> (lastly Strömberg Fischnamen 22; s. also W.-Hofmann s. [[mulleus]]) under the assumption, it is about the mullet, is therefore a pure hypothesis. -- Lat. LW [loanword] [[mullus]].
|etymtx=Grammatical information: m.<br />Meaning: name of a Pontic fish, which is also found in the Danube (Ar. Fr. 414, Ephipp., Gal., Ael.).<br />Other forms: <b class="b3">μύλος</b> Opp.<br />Origin: XX [etym. unknown]<br />Etymology: As the fish cannot be further defined (s. Thompson Fishes s.v.), all explanations are in the air. The connection with the group of <b class="b3">μέλας</b> (lastly Strömberg Fischnamen 22; s. also W.-Hofmann s. [[mulleus]]) under the assumption, it is about the mullet, is therefore a pure hypothesis. -- Lat. LW [loanword] [[mullus]].
|ftr='''μύλλος''': {múllos}<br />'''Forms''': ([[μύλος]] Opp.)<br />'''Grammar''': m.<br />'''Meaning''': N. eines pontischen Fisches, der sich auch in der Donau fand (Ar. ''Fr''. 414, Ephipp., Gal., Ael.).<br />'''Etymology''' : Da sich der Fisch nicht näher bestimmen läßt (s. Thompson Fishes s.v.), schweben alle Erklärungen in der Luft. Die Anknüpfung an die Sippe von [[μέλας]] (zuletzt Strömberg Fischnamen 22; s. noch W.-Hofmann s. ''mulleus'') unter der Annahme, es handele sich um die Meerbarbe, muß als eine reine Hypothese betrachtet werden. — Lat. LW ''mullus''.<br />'''Page''' 2,270