From LSJ
τά γε μὰν λίνα πάντα λελοίπει ἐκ Μοιρᾶν → but all the thread granted him by the Fates had run out
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
căpillāgo: ĭnis, f. id.,
I the hair, collect., Tert. Anim. 51.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
căpillāgō, ĭnis, f. (capillus), chevelure : Tert. Anim. 51.
Latin > German (Georges)
capillāgo, inis, f. (capillus), der Haarwuchs = das ganze Haar, vel affluit capillago vel deserit, Tert. de anim. 51.