ἀλλὰ σὺ μὲν νῦν στῆθι καὶ ἄμπνυε → but you, stop now and catch your breath | but do thou now stand, and get thy breath
Latin > English
chelidonius chelidonia, chelidonium ADJ :: of/belonging to swallow; resembling swallow in color, reddish (fig)
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
chĕlīdŏnĭus: a, um, adj., = χελιδόνιος,
I pertaining to the swallow: lapilli, found in the crop of young swallows, swallow-stone, Plin. 11, 37, 79, § 203: ficus, a particular reddish species of fig, Col. 10, 415; Plin. 15, 18, 19, § 71: gemma, Plin. 37, 10, 56, § 154.—
B Subst.: chĕlīdŏnĭa, ae, f. (sc. herba): Chelidonium majus, Linn.; swallowwort, celandine, Plin. 25, 8, 50, §§ 89 and 90; also herba chelidoniae in Ser. Samm. 37, 699.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
chĕlīdŏnĭus, a, um (χελιδόνιος), d’hirondelle : chelidoniæ ficus Plin. 15, 71, variété de figues ; chelidonia gemma Plin. 37, 155, sorte de pierre précieuse ; chelidonia herba M. Emp. 8, 2, chélidoine [plante].
Latin > German (Georges)
chelīdonius, a, um (χελιδόνιος), zur Schwalbe gehörig, Schwalben-, lapillus, Schwalbenstein, Plin.: ficus, eine bes. rötliche Gattung, Col. – subst., chelīdonia, ae, f. (sc. herba), Schwalbenwurz, Schellkraut, Plin. u.a. (vollst. chelid. herba, Marc. Emp. 8, 2).
Latin > Chinese
chelidonius, a, um. adj. :: 燕者。 Chelidonii lapilli 小燕肚中之石。