
From LSJ

μακάριοι οὓς ἐξελέξω καὶ προσελάβου → blessed are those that you have chosen and taken


Latin > English

confabricor confabricari, confabricatus sum V DEP :: construct, build up; compose, make (L+S)

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

con-fā̆brĭcor: ātus, āri,
I v. dep., to compose, make: originem vocabuli, Gell. 3, 19, 3.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

cōnfăbrĭcor, ātus sum, ārī, tr., forger de toutes pièces [fig.] : Gell. 3, 19, 3.

Latin > German (Georges)

cōn-fabricor, ārī, an etw. herumbauen, originem vocabuli, Gell. 3, 19, 3 (vgl. commolior).

Latin > Chinese

confabricor, aris, atus sum, ari. d. ::