
From LSJ

μηδὲν κοτυλίζειν, ἀλλὰ καταπάττειν χύδην → not to sell by the cupful, but to dole out indiscriminately | not to sell by retail but wholesale


Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

histŏrĭcē: adv., v. historicus
I fin.
histŏrĭcē: ēs, f., = ἱστορική,
I explanation, interpretation of an author: finitae quidem sunt partes duae, quas haec professio pollicetur, id est ratio loquendi et enarratio auctorum: quarum illam methodicen, hanc historicen vocant, Quint. 1, 9, 1.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

(1) histŏrĭcē,¹⁶ à la façon des historiens : Plin. Min. Ep. 2, 5, 5.
(2) histŏrĭcē, ēs, f. (ἱστορική),
1 explication des auteurs : Quint. 1, 9, 1
2 connaissance de l’histoire : Diom. 482, 31.

Latin > German (Georges)

(1) historicē1, Adv. (historicus), geschichtlich, Plin. ep. 2, 5, 5. Hieron. in Galat. 10, 9 u. 10.
(2) historicē2, ēs, f. (ἱστορική sc. τέχνη), I) die Geschichtskunde, Diom. 482, 31. – II) die Erklärung der Schriftsteller, Quint. 1, 9, 1.

Latin > Chinese

historice, es. f. :: 稽古之書
historice. adv. :: 紀事之樣