ἀθρόαις πέντε δραπὼν νύκτεσσιν ἔν θ' ἁμέραις ἱερὸν εὐζοίας ἄωτον → for five whole nights and days, culling the sacred excellence of joyous living | reaping the sacred bloom of good living for five full nights and as many days
Latin > English
rima rimae N F :: crack, narrow cleft; (sometimes rude); chink, fissure; [ignea ~ => lightening]
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
rīma: ae, f. for rigma, from rig, ringor; hence, that gapes, yawns,
I a cleft, crack, chink, fissure (cf. hiatus): angusta, Hor. Ep. 1, 7, 29: cava, Prop. 1, 16, 27: patet, Ov. M. 11, 515; cf. hiscit, Plin. 17, 14, 24, § 108: tabernae rimas agunt, are cracked, Cic. Att. 14, 9, 1; so, rimas agere, Ov. M. 2, 211; 10, 512; and in a like sense, ducere, id. ib. 4, 65: facere, to make, id. Tr. 2, 85: explere, to stop up, Cic, Or. 69, 231; cf.: nec te signata juvabunt Limina, persuasae fallere rima sat est, Prop. 4 (5), 1, 146.—
2 = cunnus, Juv. 3, 97.— Poet.: ignea rima micans, i. e. a flash of lightning (qs. cleaving the sky), Verg. A. 8, 392; imitated by Plin. 2, 43, 43, § 112.—
II Transf., comically: plenus rimarum sum: hac atque hac perfluo, I am full of chinks, i. e. can keep nothing to myself, conceal nothing, Ter. Eun. 1, 2, 25 (opp. tacere, continere); Plaut. Curc. 4, 2, 24.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
rīma,¹² æ, f., fente, fissure, crevasse : Hor. Ep. 1, 7, 29 ; Ov. M. 11, 515 ; rimas agere Cic. Att. 14, 9, 1, ou ducere Ov. M. 4, 65, ou facere Ov. Tr. 2, 1, 85, se fendre, se lézarder ; rimas explere Cic. Or. 231, remplir les vides || [poét.] ignea rima Virg. En. 8, 392, une fente de feu, un sillon de lumière [éclair], cf. Plin. 2, 112 || [plaist] plenus rimarum sum Ter. Eun. 105, je suis plein de fentes = je laisse fuir tout ce qu’on me confie, je ne sais rien taire ; rimam aliquam reperire Pl. Curc. 510, trouver qq. fente (échappatoire).
Latin > German (Georges)
rīma, ae, f. (aus *ric-sma, vgl. altind. rikháti, ritzt, griech. ερείκω, reiße auf), die Ritze, Spalte, der Riß, das Leck, I) im allg.: r. angusta, Hor.: cava, Prop.: parvula, Cels.: rimas agere, Cic., od. ducere, Ov., Risse bekommen: ebenso tectoria rimam faciunt, bekommen einen Riß, springen, Vitr.: aber cunctaque fortunā rimam faciente dehiscunt, wenn das Unglück einen Riß macht, Ov.: naves rimis dehiscunt, bekommen ein Leck, werden leck, Verg.: u. so rimis dehiscit cumba, Ov.: rimas explere, zustopfen, ausfüllen, Cic. – poet., ignea rima micans, der Blitzstrahl, weil er die Wolken spaltet, Verg. Aen. 8, 692. – scherzh. übtr., plenus rimarum sum, bin voller Ritzen (kann nichts bei mir behalten, verschweigen), Ter.: aliquam reperitis rimam, Ritze = Ausflucht, Plaut.: u. so persuasae fallere rima sat est, Prop. – II) insbes. = cunnus, Iuven. 3, 97.
Latin > Chinese
rima, ae. f. :: 裂紋。縫。隙。Plenus rimarum 好漏事之人。Rimam invenire 得門跑。