
From LSJ

ἀσκεῖν περὶ τὰ νοσήματα δύο, ὠφελεῖν ἢ μὴ βλάπτειν → strive, with regard to diseases, for two things — to do good, or to do no harm | as to diseases, make a habit of two things — to help, or at least, to do no harm


Latin > English

tegimentum tegimenti N N :: covering/cover/protection; clothing; body armor; skin/shell/husk (animal/fruit)

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

tĕgĭmentum: and tegmentum, i, v. tegumentum.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

tĕgĭmentum,¹² v. tegumentum : Cæs. G. 2, 21, 5 ; C. 2, 9, 2 ; 3, 44, 6, etc.

Latin > German (Georges)

tegimentum (tegumentum) u. tēgmentum, ī, n. (tego), die Decke, Bedeckung, tegimenta corporum, Sen.: tegimenta corporum vel texta vel suta, Cic.: tegmenta capitum, Sen.: tegumenta pedum, Apul.: tegumenta pecudum, v. den Fellen, Flor.: so auch parva renonum tegimenta, Caes.: palpebrae, quae sunt tegimenta oculorum, Cic.: scutis tegimenta detrudere, Caes. – / Plaut. trin. 313 jetzt integumentum.