
From LSJ

Τὸ μανθάνειν δ' ἥδιστον εὖ λέγοντος, εἰ κέρδος λέγοι → It is the sweetest thing to learn from one speaking well, if they speak profitably

Sophocles, Antigone, 1031-2

Latin > English

tricuspis (gen.), tricuspidis ADJ :: having three prongs

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

trĭ-cuspis: ĭdis, adj. tres,
I having three points or tines, three-pointed, three-tineà, tricuspid: telum, i. e. tridens, Ov. M. 1, 330.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

trĭcuspĭs, ĭdis (tres, cuspis), qui a trois pointes : Ov. M. 1, 330.

Latin > German (Georges)

tricuspis, idis (tres u. cuspis), drei Spitzen habend, dreispitzig, telum, der Dreizack (des Neptun), Ov. met. 1, 330.

Latin > Chinese

tricuspis, idis. adj. :: 三鋒者