
From LSJ

ἧς ἂν ἐπ' ἐλάχιστον ἀρετῆς πέρι ἢ ψόγου ἐν τοῖς ἄρσεσι κλέος ᾖ → of whom there is least talk either for praise or blame, of whom there is least notoriety among the men either for praise or blame


French (Bailly abrégé)

ης (ἡ) :
ion. c. Φαίδρα.

English (Autenrieth)

Phaedra, wife of Theseus, Od. 11.321†.


ar: فايدرا; az: Fedra; bg: Федра; bh: फीड्रा; bn: ফাইদ্রা; br: Faidra; ca: Fedra; co: Fedra; cs: Faidra; de: Phaidra; el: Φαίδρα; en: Phaedra; eo: Fedro; es: Fedra; eu: Fedra; fa: فدرا; fi: Faidra; fr: Phèdre; he: פדרה; hr: Fedra; hu: Phaidra; id: Faedra; it: Fedra; ja: パイドラー; ko: 파이드라; la: Phaedra; lt: Fedra; nl: Phaedra; no: Faidra; pl: Fedra; pt: Fedra; ru: Федра; sh: Fedra; simple: Phaedra; sk: Faidra; sl: Fedra; sr: Федра; sv: Faidra; uk: Федра; zh: 淮德拉