From LSJ
τὸ μὴ γενέσθαι κρεῖσσον ἢ φῦναι βροτοῖς → not existing is better for mortals than being born, not to be born is better than life for mortals
Greek > English (Woodhouse Verbs Reversed)
(see also ἐφορμάω, ἐφορμέω): blockade, be moored against, by sea, keep watch on, lie off
Lexicon Thucydideum
stationem adversam tenere, to hold a position facing, 1.64.3, 1.116.3. 1.142.8, [vulgo additur commonly added ναῦς] 3.31.1, [vulgo commonly αὐτούς]. 4.24.4,, [nonnulli codd. several manuscripts ἐφορμῶσα] 7.4.4, 7.12.5, 7.24.3, 8.11.1, 8.15.1. 8.17.3, 8.24.1. 8.30.1. 8.75.1, 8.96.4. 8.100.4.
navibus obsidere, to blockade with ships, 3.107.2, [vulgo commonly ἐφορμ.].
PASS. 1.142.7, 8.20.1, [praeterea vulgo moreover in the common texts 6.49.4, ἐφορμηθῆναι, ubi nunc where now ἐφορμισθέντας.]