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|etymtx=Grammatical information: n.<br />Meaning: [[fame]], [[renown]] (Il.).<br />Other forms: Phoc. <b class="b3">κλέϜος</b><br />Compounds: Compp., esp. in PN, e. g. <b class="b3">Κλεο-μένης</b> (shortname <b class="b3">Κλέομ(μ)ις</b>) with tansit in the <b class="b2">o-</b>stems, beside <b class="b3">Κλει-σθένης</b> (from <b class="b3">*ΚλεϜεσ-</b> or <b class="b3">*ΚλεϜι-σθένης</b>), <b class="b3">Τιμο-κλέϜης</b> (Cypr.) etc.; s. Fick-Bechtel Personennamen 162ff., Bechtel Hist. Personennamen 238ff.; on Thess. etc. <b class="b3">-κλέας</b> for <b class="b3">-κλέης</b> Kretschmer Glotta 26, 37.<br />Derivatives: Adjective <b class="b3">κλεινός</b>, Aeol. <b class="b3">κλέεννος</b> (< <b class="b3">*κλεϜεσ-νός</b>) [[famous]] (Sol., Pi.) with <b class="b3">Κλεινίας</b> a. o. - Enlargement after the nouns in -(<b class="b3">η)δών</b> (cf. Schwyzer 529f., Chantraine Formation 361): <b class="b3">κλεηδών</b>, <b class="b3">-όνος</b> f. (Od.), <b class="b3">κληηδών</b> (δ 312; metr. lengthening), <b class="b3">κληδών</b> (Hdt., trag.; contraction resp. adaptation to <b class="b3">κλῄζω</b>, <b class="b3">κικλήσκω</b>; s. below) <b class="b2">fame, (divine) pronouncement</b>; from it <b class="b3">κληδόνιος</b> (sch., Eust.), <b class="b3">κληδονίζομαι</b>, <b class="b3">-ίζω</b> (LXX) with <b class="b3">-ισμα</b>, <b class="b3">-ισμός</b>. - Denomin. verb: 1. <b class="b3">κλείω</b> (Il.), <b class="b3">κλέω</b> (B., trag. in lyr.) [[celebrate]], [[praise]], [[proclaim]], hell. also [[call]] (after <b class="b3">κλῄζω</b>, s. below), <b class="b3">κλέομαι</b> <b class="b2">enjoy fame, be celebrated</b> (Ω 202), hell. also <b class="b2">be called</b>; basis <b class="b3">*κλεϜεσ-ι̯ω</b> > <b class="b3">*κλε(Ϝ)έω</b>, from where <b class="b3">κλείω</b>, <b class="b3">κλέω</b>; s. Wackernagel BphW 1891 Sp. 9; see Frisk GHÅ 56 : 3 (1950) 3ff., where the possibility is discussed that <b class="b3">κλέω</b> (from where <b class="b3">κλείω</b> with metr. lengthening) is a backformation of <b class="b3">κλέος</b> after <b class="b3">ψεύδω</b> : <b class="b3">ψεῦδος</b> (thus Risch par. 31 a). Diff. e. g. Schulze Q. 281: <b class="b3">κλείω</b> denomin. from <b class="b3">*κλεϜεσ-ι̯ω</b>, but <b class="b3">κλέω</b>, <b class="b3">κλέομαι</b> old primary formation; diff. again Chantraine Gramm. hom. 1, 346 w. n. 3: <b class="b3">κλέω</b> primary, from where with metrical lengthening <b class="b3">κλείω</b>; further s. Frisk l. c. - From <b class="b3">κλείω</b>, <b class="b3">κλέω</b> as agent noun <b class="b3">Κλειώ</b>, <b class="b3">Κλεώ</b>, <b class="b3">-οῦς</b> f. "the one who gives fame", name of one of the Muses (Hdt., Pi.). - 2. <b class="b3">κλεΐζω</b> (Pi.; <b class="b3">εὑκλεΐζω</b> from <b class="b3">εὑκλεής</b> also Sapph., Tyrt.), <b class="b3">κληΐζω</b> (Hp., hell.), <b class="b3">κλῄζω</b> (Ar.), aor. <b class="b3">κλεΐξαι</b> resp. <b class="b3">κληΐσαι</b>, <b class="b3">κλῃ̃σαι</b>, <b class="b3">κλεῖσαι</b>, fut. <b class="b3">κλεΐξω</b>, <b class="b3">κληΐσω</b>, <b class="b3">κλῄσω</b> etc., [[celebrate]], [[praise]], [[proclaim]], also [[call]] (after <b class="b3">κικλήσκω</b>, <b class="b3">καλέω</b>; from there also the notation <b class="b3">κλη-</b>); basis <b class="b3">*κλεϜεσ-ίζω</b>; diff. e. g. Schulze Q. 282ff., s. Bq s. <b class="b3">κλείω</b> and Schwyzer 735 n. 7; cf. also Fraenkel Glotta 4, 36ff.<br />Origin: IE [Indo-European] [606] <b class="b2">*ḱleuos</b> [[fame]]<br />Etymology: Old verbal noun of a word for [[hear]], found in several languages: Skt. <b class="b2">śrávas-</b> n. [[fame]] (<b class="b3">κλέος ἄφθιτον</b>: <b class="b2">ákṣiti śrávaḥ</b>), Av. <b class="b2">sravah-</b> n. [[word]], OCS [[slovo]] n. [[word]], also OIr. [[clū]] and Toch. A [[klyw]], B [[kälywe]] [[fame]], and also Illyr. PN <b class="b2">Ves-cleves</b> (= Skt. <b class="b2">vásu-śravas-</b> <b class="b2">having good fame</b>; cf. <b class="b3">Εὑ-κλῆς</b>). The denomin. <b class="b3">κλε(ί)ω</b> < <b class="b3">*κλεϜεσ-ι̯ω</b> also agrees to Skt. <b class="b2">śravasyáti</b> [[praise]], which therefore can be pre-Greek. Further s. <b class="b3">κλύω</b>. - On <b class="b3">κλέος</b> s. Steinkopf and Greindl s. <b class="b3">εὔχομαι</b>, and Greindl RhM 89, 217ff.
|etymtx=Grammatical information: n.<br />Meaning: [[fame]], [[renown]] (Il.).<br />Other forms: Phoc. <b class="b3">κλέϜος</b><br />Compounds: Compp., esp. in PN, e. g. <b class="b3">Κλεο-μένης</b> (shortname <b class="b3">Κλέομ(μ)ις</b>) with tansit in the <b class="b2">o-</b>stems, beside <b class="b3">Κλει-σθένης</b> (from <b class="b3">*ΚλεϜεσ-</b> or <b class="b3">*ΚλεϜι-σθένης</b>), <b class="b3">Τιμο-κλέϜης</b> (Cypr.) etc.; s. Fick-Bechtel Personennamen 162ff., Bechtel Hist. Personennamen 238ff.; on Thess. etc. <b class="b3">-κλέας</b> for <b class="b3">-κλέης</b> Kretschmer Glotta 26, 37.<br />Derivatives: Adjective <b class="b3">κλεινός</b>, Aeol. <b class="b3">κλέεννος</b> (< <b class="b3">*κλεϜεσ-νός</b>) [[famous]] (Sol., Pi.) with <b class="b3">Κλεινίας</b> a. o. - Enlargement after the nouns in -(<b class="b3">η)δών</b> (cf. Schwyzer 529f., Chantraine Formation 361): <b class="b3">κλεηδών</b>, <b class="b3">-όνος</b> f. (Od.), <b class="b3">κληηδών</b> (δ 312; metr. lengthening), <b class="b3">κληδών</b> (Hdt., trag.; contraction resp. adaptation to <b class="b3">κλῄζω</b>, <b class="b3">κικλήσκω</b>; s. below) <b class="b2">fame, (divine) pronouncement</b>; from it <b class="b3">κληδόνιος</b> (sch., Eust.), <b class="b3">κληδονίζομαι</b>, <b class="b3">-ίζω</b> (LXX) with <b class="b3">-ισμα</b>, <b class="b3">-ισμός</b>. - Denomin. verb: 1. <b class="b3">κλείω</b> (Il.), <b class="b3">κλέω</b> (B., trag. in lyr.) [[celebrate]], [[praise]], [[proclaim]], hell. also [[call]] (after <b class="b3">κλῄζω</b>, s. below), <b class="b3">κλέομαι</b> <b class="b2">enjoy fame, be celebrated</b> (Ω 202), hell. also <b class="b2">be called</b>; basis <b class="b3">*κλεϜεσ-ι̯ω</b> > <b class="b3">*κλε(Ϝ)έω</b>, from where <b class="b3">κλείω</b>, <b class="b3">κλέω</b>; s. Wackernagel BphW 1891 Sp. 9; see Frisk GHÅ 56 : 3 (1950) 3ff., where the possibility is discussed that <b class="b3">κλέω</b> (from where <b class="b3">κλείω</b> with metr. lengthening) is a backformation of <b class="b3">κλέος</b> after <b class="b3">ψεύδω</b> : <b class="b3">ψεῦδος</b> (thus Risch par. 31 a). Diff. e. g. Schulze Q. 281: <b class="b3">κλείω</b> denomin. from <b class="b3">*κλεϜεσ-ι̯ω</b>, but <b class="b3">κλέω</b>, <b class="b3">κλέομαι</b> old primary formation; diff. again Chantraine Gramm. hom. 1, 346 w. n. 3: <b class="b3">κλέω</b> primary, from where with metrical lengthening <b class="b3">κλείω</b>; further s. Frisk l. c. - From <b class="b3">κλείω</b>, <b class="b3">κλέω</b> as agent noun <b class="b3">Κλειώ</b>, <b class="b3">Κλεώ</b>, <b class="b3">-οῦς</b> f. "the one who gives fame", name of one of the Muses (Hdt., Pi.). - 2. <b class="b3">κλεΐζω</b> (Pi.; <b class="b3">εὑκλεΐζω</b> from <b class="b3">εὑκλεής</b> also Sapph., Tyrt.), <b class="b3">κληΐζω</b> (Hp., hell.), <b class="b3">κλῄζω</b> (Ar.), aor. <b class="b3">κλεΐξαι</b> resp. <b class="b3">κληΐσαι</b>, <b class="b3">κλῃ̃σαι</b>, <b class="b3">κλεῖσαι</b>, fut. <b class="b3">κλεΐξω</b>, <b class="b3">κληΐσω</b>, <b class="b3">κλῄσω</b> etc., [[celebrate]], [[praise]], [[proclaim]], also [[call]] (after <b class="b3">κικλήσκω</b>, <b class="b3">καλέω</b>; from there also the notation <b class="b3">κλη-</b>); basis <b class="b3">*κλεϜεσ-ίζω</b>; diff. e. g. Schulze Q. 282ff., s. Bq s. <b class="b3">κλείω</b> and Schwyzer 735 n. 7; cf. also Fraenkel Glotta 4, 36ff.<br />Origin: IE [Indo-European] [606] <b class="b2">*ḱleuos</b> [[fame]]<br />Etymology: Old verbal noun of a word for [[hear]], found in several languages: Skt. <b class="b2">śrávas-</b> n. [[fame]] (<b class="b3">κλέος ἄφθιτον</b>: <b class="b2">ákṣiti śrávaḥ</b>), Av. <b class="b2">sravah-</b> n. [[word]], OCS [[slovo]] n. [[word]], also OIr. [[clū]] and Toch. A [[klyw]], B [[kälywe]] [[fame]], and also Illyr. PN <b class="b2">Ves-cleves</b> (= Skt. <b class="b2">vásu-śravas-</b> <b class="b2">having good fame</b>; cf. <b class="b3">Εὑ-κλῆς</b>). The denomin. <b class="b3">κλε(ί)ω</b> < <b class="b3">*κλεϜεσ-ι̯ω</b> also agrees to Skt. <b class="b2">śravasyáti</b> [[praise]], which therefore can be pre-Greek. Further s. <b class="b3">κλύω</b>. - On <b class="b3">κλέος</b> s. Steinkopf and Greindl s. <b class="b3">εὔχομαι</b>, and Greindl RhM 89, 217ff.
|mdlsjtxt=[[κλέω]]<br /><b class="num">I.</b> a [[rumour]], [[report]], [[news]], Lat. [[fama]], Hom.; σὸν [[κλέος]] [[news]] of thee, Od.; c. gen., [[κλέος]] Ἀχαιῶν the [[report]] of [[their]] [[coming]], Il.:— a [[mere]] [[report]], opp. to [[certainty]], [[κλέος]] [[οἶον]] ἀκούομεν, [[οὐδέ]] τι [[ἴδμεν]] we [[hear]] a [[rumour]] only, but [[know]] [[naught]], Il.<br /><b class="num">II.</b> [[good]] [[report]], [[fame]], [[glory]], Hom.; [[κλέος]] οὐρανὸν ἵκει Od.; κλ. [[ἑλέσθαι]], εὑρέσθαι Pind.; [[λαβεῖν]] Soph.; κλ. καταθέσθαι to lay up [[store]] of [[glory]], Hdt., etc.: —in pl., ἄειδε [[κλέα]] [[ἀνδρῶν]] (shortd. from κλέεἀ, was [[singing]] the lays of [[their]] achievements, Il.<br /><b class="num">2.</b> in bad [[sense]], δύσφημον [[κλέος]] ill [[repute]], Pind.; αἰσχρὸν κλ. Eur.;—[[both]] senses combined in Thuc., ἧς ἂν ἐπ' ἐλάχιστον ἀρετῆς [[πέρι]] ἢ ψόγου [[κλέος]] ᾖ of whom [[there]] is [[least]] [[talk]] [[either]] for [[praise]] or [[blame]].