ὁλοκληρία: Difference between revisions

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|txtha=ὁλοκηριας, ἡ ([[ὁλόκληρος]], [[which]] [[see]]), Latin integritas; used of an [[unimpaired]] [[condition]] of [[body]], in [[which]] [[all]] its members are [[healthy]] and [[fit]] for [[use]]; Vulg. integra sanitas (A. V. [[perfect]] [[soundness]]): [[ὑγίεια]], [[Plutarch]], mor., p. 1063f.; [[with]] [[τοῦ]] σώματος added, ibid., p. 1047e.; cf. ([[Diogenes]] Laërtius 7,107; corporis integritas, equivalent to [[health]], in [[Cicero]], de [[fin]]. 5,14, 40; the Sept. for מְתֹם, Isaiah 1:6).
|txtha=ὁλοκηριας, ἡ ([[ὁλόκληρος]], [[which]] [[see]]), Latin integritas; used of an [[unimpaired]] [[condition]] of [[body]], in [[which]] [[all]] its members are [[healthy]] and [[fit]] for [[use]]; Vulg. integra sanitas (A. V. [[perfect]] [[soundness]]): [[ὑγίεια]], [[Plutarch]], mor., p. 1063f.; [[with]] [[τοῦ]] σώματος added, ibid., p. 1047e.; cf. ([[Diogenes]] Laërtius 7,107; corporis integritas, equivalent to [[health]], in [[Cicero]], de [[fin]]. 5,14, 40; the Sept. for מְתֹם, Isaiah 1:6).
|mltxt=η (ΑΜ [[ὁλοκληρία]]) [[ολόκληρος]]<br /><b>νεοελλ.</b><br /><b>φρ.</b> «καθ' ολοκληρίαν» — εντελώς, εξ ολοκλήρου<br /><b>μσν.-αρχ.</b><br />η [[ολότητα]], το πλήρες, το σύνολον, η [[ακεραιότητα]] σε όλα τα μέρη, η [[πληρότητα]] («μέρους τινός ὑποσπωμένου ἐκ τῆς κατὰ [[γένος]] ὁλοκληρίας», <b>Ευστ.</b>).