τὸ ἐγδοχῖον τοῦ ὕδατος καὶ τὰ ἐν τῆι πόλει ὑδραγώγια → the water reservoir and the conduits in the city (or on the acropolis)
Poison: P. and V. φάρμακον. τό, V. ἰός. ὁ.
Cause of mischief: P. and V. κάκον, τό, V. δήλημα, τό, πῆμα, τό.
Concretely, of a person: P. and V. λυμεών, ὁ. V. πῆμα, τό, ἄτη, ἡ, λῦμα, τό. Ar. and P. ὄλεθρος. ὁ; see curse.