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κρειττότερον ἐστὶν εἰδέναι ἐν μέσῃ τῇ Πόλει φακιόλιον βασιλεῦον Τούρκου, ἢ καλύπτραν λατινικήν → I would rather see a Turkish turban in the midst of the City than the Latin mitre


English > Greek (Woodhouse)

woodhouse 1002.jpg

Ἀπουλήιος, ὁ.

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

Āpŭlēius: v. Appuleius.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

Āpŭleĭus¹⁴ (App-), ī, m., nom d’hommes : a) le tribun L. Apuléius Saturninus : Cic. Br. 224