τὸ κοῖλον τοῦ ποδὸς δεῖξαι → show the heels, show a clean pair of heels, show the hollow of the foot, run away
Frisk Etymological English
Grammatical information: f.
Meaning: Popular goddess originating from Anatolia (Caria) (Hes. Th. 411ff., interpol.?; h. Cer.), also identified with Artemis (E. Supp. 676 [lyr.]); cf. Nilsson Gr. Rel. 1, 722ff.
Derivatives: Ἐκαταῖος `belonging to H.' (S., D.), also Ἐκατήσιος and Ἐκατικός `id.' (late); Ἐκάταιον n. effigy of H., which was put up before the houses or on three-forked roads (Ar.), Ἐκατήσιον `id.' (Plu.), Ἐκατήσια n. pl. Hekate-feast (Kos). Several Anatol. PN: Ἐκαταῖος, Ἐκατήνωρ, Ἐκατᾶς etc. (Bechtel Hist. Personennamen 150f.).
Origin: PG [a word of Pre-Greek origin]
Etymology: Prop. surname, from a cross of ἑκατηβόλος or ἑκηβόλος (s. vv.). (I see no reason why it would have had a digamma.) Prob. Pre-Greek.