
From LSJ

γλυκύ δ᾽ἀπείρῳ πόλεμος, πεπειραμένων δέ τις ταρβεῖ προσιόντα, νιν καρδίᾳ περισσῶς → A sweet thing is war to the inexperienced, but anyone who has tasted it trembles at its approach, exceedingly, in his heart (Pindar, for the Thebans, fr. 110)


Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

prŏpĕrē: and prŏpĕrĭter,
I advv., v. properus fin., A. and B.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

prŏpĕrē¹⁰ (properus), à la hâte, vite, avec diligence, avec empressement : Pl. Aul. 264 ; Nep. Epam. 4, 3 ; Sall. J. 86, 1 ; Liv. 23, 36, 1.

Latin > German (Georges)

properē, Adv. (properus), schleunig, eilends, eilfertig, nonne hinc vos propere stabulis amolimini? Pacuv. fr.: pr. sequere me ad macellum, Plaut.: ita celeri curriculo fui propere a portu honoris causā tui, habe mich beeilt, Plaut.: pr. sequi, Sall.: pr. ire, Ov.: pr. egredere, Nep.: pr. Cumas se recepit, Liv.