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English (LSJ)


   A albugo, a white speck on the eye, S.Fr.233, Hp.Loc. Hom.13, Thphr.HP7.6.2, 9.9.5, Dsc.2.78.2.    II = Lappa canaria, Geum urbanum Avens, Plin.HN24.176:—also ἄργεμος, ὁ, = λεύκωμα, Poll.2.65.    2 upper part of the finger-nail, ib.146.

German (Pape)

[Seite 345] τό, dasselbe, Hippocr.; auch ἄργεμος, ὁ, Soph. frg. 221, was bei Poll. 2, 146 auch die weißen Flecken auf den Nägeln bedeutet.

Spanish (DGE)

-ου, τό

• Alolema(s): tb. -ος, -ου Poll.2.65, 146, Eust.1430.60
1 albugo de los ojos, mancha blanca formada por el espesamiento de la córnea ὅταν δ' ἄ. ᾖ, δακρύειν τῷ ὀφθαλμῷ ἀρήγει Hp.Loc.Hom.13.7, cf. S.Fr.1.98d, Thphr.HP 7.6.2, 9.9.5, 11.10, Erot.18.23, Dsc.2.78, 177, Poll.2.65, Hsch., Eust.l.c.; cf. ἐπάργεμος.
2 albugo de las uñas, Poll.2.146.
3 agrimonia, Agrimonia eupatoria L., lappa canaria: herba argemon, quam Minerua repperit subus remedium quae de illa gustauerint Plin.HN 24.176.

• Etimología: De la raíz de 1 ἀργός, q.u., c. la misma formación que ἄνθεμον.

Frisk Etymological English

Grammatical information: n.
Meaning: white spot in the eye, albugo (Hp.), also plant name (Plin.).
Other forms: also -ος m.
Derivatives: ἀργεμώνη Papaver Argemone (Crateuas), a remedy against ἄργεμος; cf. Chantr. Form. 208not from Hebr. argāmān red purple (Lagarde Gött. Abh. 35, 205, cf. Lewy Fremdw. 49f.), a.o. because of the meaning.
Origin: IE [Indo-European]X [probably] [64] *h₂erǵ- brilliant white
Etymology: To *ἄργος in ἀργεστής, ἀργεννός like ἄνθεμον to ἄνθος; but this relation is difficult (q.v.); cf. Chantr. Form. 132. Further to1. ἀργός.