- A.
- Aeschylus
- AB
- Anecdota Graeca, v. I
- A D.
- Apollonius Dyscolus
- AEM,
- v. IV
- AJA,
- v. IV
- AJP,
- v. IV
- AP, APl.,
- v. Anthologia Graeca
- A. R.
- Apollonius Rhodius
- Abh.Berl.Akad.,
- v. IV.
- Acta Conciliorum Oecumenicorum, E. Schwartz, Berlin/Leipzig 1924–.
- American Studies in Papyrology.
- abbrev.
- abbreviation, abbreviated.
- abs.
- absolute, absolutely
- abst.
- abstract.
- acc.
- accusative
- acc. to
- according to
- Act.
- Active
- Act.Ap.
- Acts of the Apostles
- add.
- addenda.
- ad loc.
- ad locum
- Adj.
- Adjective
- Adv., Advbs.
- Adverb, Adverbs
- advl.
- adverbial.
- Aeol.
- Aeolic
- Aesch.Alex.
- Aeschylus Alexandrinus
- afterwds.
- afterwards
- Agath.
- Agathias
- Akkad.
- Akkadian.
- Al.
- ἄλλοι, v. Vetus Testamentum
- al.
- alibi (i.e. elsewhere in the same author)
- Alc.
- Alcaeus
- Alcm.
- Alcman
- Alex.
- Alexis, when followed directly by a number, otherwise
- Alexander
- Amm.Marc.
- Ammianus Marcellinus
- An.Boiss.
- v. Anecdota Graeca in index I.
- An.Ox., Par.
- Ane dota Oxoniensia, Parisiens a, v. I
- anap.
- anapaests
- Anat.
- in Anatomy
- Anatolian Studies,
- v. II
- And.
- Andocides
- Anecd.Stud.
- Anecdota Graeca et Latina, ed. R. Schoell & G. Studemund, v. I
- Ann.Épigr.,
- v. IV
- Annales du Service,
- v. IV
- Annuario,
- v. IV
- Anon.astr.
- Anonymus astrologus.
- Herc.
- Scriptor Epicureus incertus, v. index I s.v. Epicurus.
- Anon.Intr.Arat.
- Anonymi Introductio in Aratum in Commentariorum in A. reliquiae, v. index I s.v. Aratus.
- Ant.Diog.
- Antonius Diogenes
- Ant.Lib.
- Antoninus Liberalis
- Antip.
- Antipater
- Antiph.
- Antiphanes
- Anth.Lyr.
- Anthologia Lyrica Graeca, E. Diehl, T(L) 1925; ed. 3, vol. i: fasc. 1–3, 1949–52; ed. 2, vol. ii: 1952.
- aor.
- aorist
- ap.
- apud (quoted in)
- Ap.Ty.
- Apollonius Tyanensis
- Apoc.
- Apocalypse; v. Novum Testamentum
- Apollon.
- Apollonius
- App.
- Appianus
- app.
- apparently.
- App.Anth.,
- v. Anthologia Graeca
- Appellat.
- Appellative
- apptly.
- apparently
- Ar.
- Aristophanes
- Ar.Byz.
- Aristophanes Byzantinus
- Ar.Did.
- Arius Didymus
- Arc.
- Arcadius or Arcadian dialect
- Arch.
- Archias
- Arch.Anz.,
- v. IV
- Ἀρχ.Δελτ.,
- v. IV
- Ἀρχ.Ἐφ.,
- v. IV
- Arch.Pap.,
- v. IV
- Archit.
- in Architecture
- Arg.
- Argive or Argument
- Arg.Men.
- v. index I s.v. Menander.
- Arist.
- Aristoteles
- Aristoph.
- Aristophanes (the Homeric critic)
- arith.
- in arithmetic.
- Arm.
- Armenian
- Art.
- Article
- Ascl.
- Asclepiodotus or Asclepius
- Asclep.
- Asclepiades
- Asp
- Aspasius
- assim.
- by assimilation.
- Astrol.
- in Astrology
- astron.
- in astronomy, astronomical.
- Atene e Roma,
- v. IV
- Ath.
- Athenaeus
- Ath.Mitt.,
- v. IV
- Ἀθηνᾶ,
- v. IV
- Att.
- Attic dialect
- attrib.
- attributed, attribution.
- augm.
- augment
- Aus.
- Ausonius
- Ausonia,
- v. IV
- Avest.
- Avestan