Page history
12 February 2024
Text replacement - "grc: στεφανιαία ῥαφή, στεφανῖτις ῥαφή; en: coronal suture; es: sutura coronal; fa: درز تاجی; fr: suture coronale; gl: articulación frontoparietal; grc: [[στεφανῖτι...
Text replacement - "el: στεφανιαία ραφή;" to "el: στεφανιαία ραφή; grc: στεφανιαία ῥαφή, στεφανῖτις ῥαφή;"
21 May 2023
Text replacement - "ar: درز إكليلي; eml: cuśdùra coronèla" to "ar: درز إكليلي; eml: cuśdùra coronèla; de: Koronarnaht, Kranznaht"
no edit summary
Created page with "{{wkpen |wketx=The coronal suture is a dense, fibrous connective tissue joint that separates the two parietal bones from the frontal bone of the skull. }}"