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|elrutext='''γόμφος:''' ὁ<b class="num">1)</b> гвоздь, шип; болт, тж. колышек Hom., Hes., Aesch., Plat., Arst., Polyb., Luc.;<br /><b class="num">2)</b> связывающая планка, перемычка, скрепа: περὶ γόμφους περιείρειν τὰ ξύλα Her. соединять бревна скрепами;<br /><b class="num">3)</b> сочленение ([[ἀστράγαλος]] [[οἶον]] γ. Arst.).
|elrutext='''γόμφος:''' ὁ<b class="num">1)</b> гвоздь, шип; болт, тж. колышек Hom., Hes., Aesch., Plat., Arst., Polyb., Luc.;<br /><b class="num">2)</b> связывающая планка, перемычка, скрепа: περὶ γόμφους περιείρειν τὰ ξύλα Her. соединять бревна скрепами;<br /><b class="num">3)</b> сочленение ([[ἀστράγαλος]] [[οἶον]] γ. Arst.).
|etymtx=Grammatical information: m.<br />Meaning: peg, bolt, nail' (Od.); also a fish name (Gloss.; Strömberg Fischnamen 36), [[tooth]] (H.).<br />Derivatives: <b class="b3">γομφίος</b> (<b class="b3">ὀδών</b>) <b class="b2">grinder-tooth</b> (Ion.-Att.), <b class="b3">γομφίτης</b> <b class="b2">kind of styrax</b> (Aët.; Redard Les noms grecs en <b class="b3">-της</b> 70), <b class="b3">γομφάριον</b> fish name (Sch.). - Denom. <b class="b3">γομφόομαι</b>, <b class="b3">-όω</b> <b class="b2">fasten with bolt or nails</b> (A.) with <b class="b3">γόμφωσις</b> (Gal.), <b class="b3">γόμφωμα</b> <b class="b2">frame-work, peg</b> (Plu.); <b class="b3">γομφωτήρ</b> [[shipbuilder]] (AP), <b class="b3">γομφωτήριον</b> [[tenon]] (Delos IIIa); <b class="b3">γομφωτικη τέχνη</b> [[shipbuilding]] (Pl.). - <b class="b3">γομφιάζω</b> <b class="b2">have toothache, gnash the teeth</b> (LXX) with <b class="b3">γομφιασμός</b> (LXX) and <b class="b3">γομφίασις</b> (Dsc.).<br />Origin: IE [Indo-European] [369] <b class="b2">*ǵembh-</b>, <b class="b2">ǵombhos</b> <b class="b2">bite; cutting tooth</b><br />Etymology: Old word for [[tooth]], prob. <b class="b2">cutting tooth</b>: Skt. <b class="b2">jámbha-</b>, Alb. <b class="b2">dhëmb</b>, OCS <b class="b2">zǫbъ</b>, Latv. <b class="b2">zùobs</b>, Toch. A [[kam]], B [[keme]]; cf. <b class="b3">κόμβους ὀδόντας γομφίους</b> H. (Illyrian? Krahe IF 60, 297). With metaph. meaning, e. g. OHG [[kamb]] [[comb]], and Lith. <b class="b2">žam̃bas</b> <b class="b2">sharp side</b>. - On the deviant meaning in Greek (from the use of the cutting teeth as pegs) s. Porzig Gliederung 184f. - Verbs in Skt. iterative <b class="b2">jambháyati</b> [[grind]]; and Lith. <b class="b2">žembiù</b>, <b class="b2">žem̃bti</b> [[cut]], OCS <b class="b2">zębǫ</b> <b class="b2">tear up</b>; on the meanings see Narten KZ 79 (1965) 255ff..