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|etymtx=Grammatical information: v.<br />Meaning: <b class="b2">deal out, dispense, distribute (among themselves, possess, inhabit, manage, pasture, consume, devour</b>.<br />Other forms: <b class="b3">-ομαι</b>, aor. <b class="b3">νεῖμαι</b> (Il.), <b class="b3">-ασθαι</b>, pass. <b class="b3">νεμηθῆναι</b>, fut. <b class="b3">νεμῶ</b>, <b class="b3">-οῦμαι</b> (Ion. <b class="b3">-έομαι</b>, late <b class="b3">-ήσω</b>, <b class="b3">-ήσομαι</b>), perf. <b class="b3">νενέμηκα</b>,<b class="b3">-ημαι</b> (Att. etc.).<br />Compounds: Often w. prefix, e.g. <b class="b3">ἀπο-</b>, <b class="b3">ἐπι-</b>, <b class="b3">κατα-</b>, <b class="b3">προσ-</b>.<br />Derivatives: Several derivv: A. <b class="b3">νομή</b> f. [[pasture]], metaph. [[spreading]], e.g. of an ulcer , [[distribution]] (IA.), [[possession]], [[possessio]] (hell.). With <b class="b3">ἐπι-</b>, <b class="b3">προ-νομή</b> etc. from <b class="b3">ἐπι-</b>, <b class="b3">προ-νέμειν</b>, <b class="b3">-εσθαι</b> etc. Also <b class="b3">νομός</b> m. <b class="b2">*place of) pasture</b> (Il.), [[habitation]] (Pi., Hdt., S.), [[province]] (Hdt., D. S., Str.). From <b class="b3">νομή</b> or <b class="b3">νομός</b> (not always with certainty to be distinguished): 1. <b class="b3">νομάς</b>, <b class="b3">-άδος</b> [[roaming the pasture]], subst. pl. [[pastoral people]], [[nomads]] (IA.), as PN [[Numidians]] (Plb.); from this <b class="b3">νομαδ-ικός</b> <b class="b2">roaming, belonging to pastoral peoples, Numidian</b> (Arist.), <b class="b3">-ίτης</b> <b class="b2">id.</b> (Suid.), <b class="b3">-ίαι</b> f. pl. [[pasture]] with <b class="b3">-ιαῖος</b> (Peripl. M. Rubr.). -- 2. <b class="b3">νομεύς</b> m. [[herdsman]] (II.), also [[distributor]] (Pl.), pl. [[ribs of a ship]] (Hdt.); from this (or from <b class="b3">νομός</b>?) <b class="b3">νομεύω</b> [[pasture]] (Il.) with <b class="b3">νόμευ-μα</b> n. [[herd]] (A.), <b class="b3">-τικός</b> [[belonging to pasturage]] (Pl.; Chantraine Études 135 u. 137); <b class="b3">διανομ-εύς</b> (: <b class="b3">διανομή</b>), <b class="b3">προνομ-εύω</b> (: <b class="b3">προ-νομή</b>) etc. -- 3. <b class="b3">νόμιος</b> [[regarding the pasture]], also as adjunct of several gods (Pi., Ar., Call.); cf. on <b class="b3">νόμος</b>; <b class="b3">νομαῖος</b> <b class="b2">id.</b> (Nic., Call.); <b class="b3">νομώδης</b> [[spreading]], of an ulcer (medic.). -- 4. <b class="b3">νομάζω</b>, <b class="b3">-ομαι</b> [[pasture]] (Nic.). -- B. <b class="b3">νόμος</b> m. [[custom]], [[usage]], [[law]], [[composition]] (since Hes.) with several compp., e.g. <b class="b3">Ἔννομος</b> PN (Il.), <b class="b3">εὔ-νομος</b> [[with good laws]] (Pi.) with <b class="b3">εὑνομ-ίη</b>, <b class="b3">-ία</b> [[good laws]] (since ρ 487; on the meaning Andrewes Class Quart. 32, 89 ff.). From <b class="b3">νόμος</b>: 1. adj. <b class="b3">νόμιμος</b> [[usual]], [[lawful]] (IA.; extens. Arbenz 72ff.) with <b class="b3">νομιμότης</b> f. (Iamb.); <b class="b3">νομικός</b> <b class="b2">regarding the laws, forensic, lawyer</b> (Pl., Arist.; Chantraine Études 132); <b class="b3">νόμαιος</b> = <b class="b3">νόμιμος</b> (Ion. a. late); <b class="b3">νόμιος</b> <b class="b2">id.</b> (Locris; cf. on <b class="b3">νομός</b>). -- 2. Verb <b class="b3">νομίζω</b>, rarely w. prefix, e.g. <b class="b3">συν-</b>, <b class="b3">κατα-</b>, <b class="b2">use customarily, use to, recognize, believe</b> (IA., Dor.; Fournier Les verbes "dire" passim) with <b class="b3">νόμισις</b> f. [[belief]] (Th.), <b class="b3">νόμισμα</b> n. <b class="b2">use, recognized belief, (valid) coin</b> (IA.), <b class="b3">-άτιον</b> dimin. (Poll.); <b class="b3">νομιστός</b> [[generally recognized]] with <b class="b3">νομιστεύομαι</b> [[be generally valid]] (Plb.), also <b class="b3">νομιτεύομαι</b> <b class="b2">id., use</b> (hell. a. late inscr.; cf. <b class="b3">θεμι(σ)-τεύω</b>). -- C. <b class="b3">νεμέτωρ</b>, <b class="b3">-ορος</b> m. <b class="b2">dispensor (of justice), avenger</b> (A. Th. 485); <b class="b3">νέμησις</b> f., also <b class="b3">ἀπο-</b>, <b class="b3">δια-</b>, <b class="b3">ἐπι-</b> etc. from <b class="b3">ἀπο-νέμω</b> etc., [[distribution]] (Is., Arist.); <b class="b3">νεμ-ητής</b> = <b class="b3">νεμέτωρ</b> (Poll.) with <b class="b3">-ήτρια</b> f. (inscr. Rom, IVp); uncertain <b class="b3">Νεμήϊος</b> surname of Zeus (Archyt. ap. Stob.); perh. for <b class="b3">Νέμειος</b> (from <b class="b3">Νεμέα</b>). On <b class="b3">νέμεσις</b> s. v. -- D. Deverbatives: <b class="b3">νεμέθω</b>, <b class="b3">-ομαι</b> [[pasture]] (Λ 635, Nic.); <b class="b3">νωμάω</b>, <b class="b3">-ῆσαι</b> also with <b class="b3">ἐπι-</b>, <b class="b3">ἀμφι-</b>, <b class="b3">προσ-</b>, [[distribute]], [[maintain]], [[observe]] (Il., Hdt.; Schwyzer 719, Risch Gnomon 24 , 82) with <b class="b3">νώμ-ησις</b> (Pl. Cra. 41 1d), <b class="b3">-ήτωρ</b> <b class="b2">distributor, maintainer etc.</b> (Man., Nonn.).<br />Origin: IE [Indo-European] [763] <b class="b2">*nem-</b> <b class="b2">dispense, distribute; take</b><br />Etymology: The whole Greek system including ablauting <b class="b3">νομή</b>, <b class="b3">νόμος</b>, <b class="b3">νομός</b> is built on the present <b class="b3">νέμω</b>. The full grade <b class="b3">νεμέ-τωρ</b>, <b class="b3">νέμε-σις</b>, <b class="b3">νέμη-σις</b> a.o. follow wellknown patterns (<b class="b3">γενέ-τωρ γένε-σις</b> u.a.; but these are disyllabic roots); an agreeing zero grade fails. There never existed a "disyllabic root" e.g. Fraenkel Nom. ag. 2, 11). -- The widespread meanings of <b class="b3">νέμω</b> plus derivations provide a problem, which has hardly been definitely solved; Benveniste Noms d'agent 79 rightly stresses the idea of lawfull, regular, which characterizes the verb <b class="b3">νέμω</b> ("partager légalement, faire une attribution régulière"). Further lit.: E. Laroche Histoire de la racine nem- en grec ancien (Paris 1949; Études et Comm.VI); on <b class="b3">νόμος</b> esp. Stier Phil. 83, 224ff., Pohlenz Phil. 97, 135ff., Porzig Satzinhalte 260, Bolelli Stud. itfilcl. N.S.24, 110f.; on <b class="b3">νομή</b>, <b class="b3">-ός</b> Wilhelm Glotta 24, 133ff. (<b class="b3">ἐν χειρῶν νομῳ̃</b>, <b class="b3">-αῖς</b>). -- Of non-Greek words, that are interesting for the etymology, the Germanic verb for [[take]] agrees best to <b class="b3">νέμω</b>, Goth. [[niman]] etc.; further Latv. <b class="b2">ńęmu</b>, <b class="b2">ńem̂t</b> [[take]] (with secondary palatalisation of the anlaut). One might mention several nouns, which tell nothing for Greek: Av. <b class="b2">nǝmah-</b> n. [[loan]], Lat. [[numerus]] <b class="b2">number etc.</b>, OIr. [[nem]] f. [[gift]] (cf. [[Gift]] : [[geben]]; also <b class="b3">δόσις</b>), Lith. <b class="b2">nùoma</b> f. [[rent]] (vowel as in <b class="b3">νω-μάω</b>). -- The with <b class="b3">νέμω</b> also formally identical verb Skt. <b class="b2">námati</b> [[bow]], [[bend]] can only be combined with uncontrollable hypotheses. After Laroche (s. above) p. 263 <b class="b3">νέμω</b> would prop be. [[faire le geste de se pencher en tendant la main]]. -- Lit. and further details in WP. 2, 330f., Pok. 763 f., W.-Hofmann s. [[numerus]] and [[nummus]] (from <b class="b3">νόμιμος</b>?), also [[emō]], Fraenkel Wb. s. <b class="b2">núoma(s</b>), and <b class="b2">nãmas</b>, Mayrhofer s. <b class="b2">námati</b>. Cf. also [[νέμος]].
|etymtx=Grammatical information: v.<br />Meaning: <b class="b2">deal out, dispense, distribute (among themselves, possess, inhabit, manage, pasture, consume, devour</b>.<br />Other forms: <b class="b3">-ομαι</b>, aor. <b class="b3">νεῖμαι</b> (Il.), <b class="b3">-ασθαι</b>, pass. <b class="b3">νεμηθῆναι</b>, fut. <b class="b3">νεμῶ</b>, <b class="b3">-οῦμαι</b> (Ion. <b class="b3">-έομαι</b>, late <b class="b3">-ήσω</b>, <b class="b3">-ήσομαι</b>), perf. <b class="b3">νενέμηκα</b>,<b class="b3">-ημαι</b> (Att. etc.).<br />Compounds: Often w. prefix, e.g. <b class="b3">ἀπο-</b>, <b class="b3">ἐπι-</b>, <b class="b3">κατα-</b>, <b class="b3">προσ-</b>.<br />Derivatives: Several derivv: A. <b class="b3">νομή</b> f. [[pasture]], metaph. [[spreading]], e.g. of an ulcer , [[distribution]] (IA.), [[possession]], [[possessio]] (hell.). With <b class="b3">ἐπι-</b>, <b class="b3">προ-νομή</b> etc. from <b class="b3">ἐπι-</b>, <b class="b3">προ-νέμειν</b>, <b class="b3">-εσθαι</b> etc. Also <b class="b3">νομός</b> m. <b class="b2">*place of) pasture</b> (Il.), [[habitation]] (Pi., Hdt., S.), [[province]] (Hdt., D. S., Str.). From <b class="b3">νομή</b> or <b class="b3">νομός</b> (not always with certainty to be distinguished): 1. <b class="b3">νομάς</b>, <b class="b3">-άδος</b> [[roaming the pasture]], subst. pl. [[pastoral people]], [[nomads]] (IA.), as PN [[Numidians]] (Plb.); from this <b class="b3">νομαδ-ικός</b> <b class="b2">roaming, belonging to pastoral peoples, Numidian</b> (Arist.), <b class="b3">-ίτης</b> <b class="b2">id.</b> (Suid.), <b class="b3">-ίαι</b> f. pl. [[pasture]] with <b class="b3">-ιαῖος</b> (Peripl. M. Rubr.). -- 2. <b class="b3">νομεύς</b> m. [[herdsman]] (II.), also [[distributor]] (Pl.), pl. [[ribs of a ship]] (Hdt.); from this (or from <b class="b3">νομός</b>?) <b class="b3">νομεύω</b> [[pasture]] (Il.) with <b class="b3">νόμευ-μα</b> n. [[herd]] (A.), <b class="b3">-τικός</b> [[belonging to pasturage]] (Pl.; Chantraine Études 135 u. 137); <b class="b3">διανομ-εύς</b> (: <b class="b3">διανομή</b>), <b class="b3">προνομ-εύω</b> (: <b class="b3">προ-νομή</b>) etc. -- 3. <b class="b3">νόμιος</b> [[regarding the pasture]], also as adjunct of several gods (Pi., Ar., Call.); cf. on <b class="b3">νόμος</b>; <b class="b3">νομαῖος</b> <b class="b2">id.</b> (Nic., Call.); <b class="b3">νομώδης</b> [[spreading]], of an ulcer (medic.). -- 4. <b class="b3">νομάζω</b>, <b class="b3">-ομαι</b> [[pasture]] (Nic.). -- B. <b class="b3">νόμος</b> m. [[custom]], [[usage]], [[law]], [[composition]] (since Hes.) with several compp., e.g. <b class="b3">Ἔννομος</b> PN (Il.), <b class="b3">εὔ-νομος</b> [[with good laws]] (Pi.) with <b class="b3">εὑνομ-ίη</b>, <b class="b3">-ία</b> [[good laws]] (since ρ 487; on the meaning Andrewes Class Quart. 32, 89 ff.). From <b class="b3">νόμος</b>: 1. adj. <b class="b3">νόμιμος</b> [[usual]], [[lawful]] (IA.; extens. Arbenz 72ff.) with <b class="b3">νομιμότης</b> f. (Iamb.); <b class="b3">νομικός</b> [[regarding the laws]], [[forensic]], [[lawyer]] (Pl., Arist.; Chantraine Études 132); <b class="b3">νόμαιος</b> = <b class="b3">νόμιμος</b> (Ion. a. late); <b class="b3">νόμιος</b> <b class="b2">id.</b> (Locris; cf. on <b class="b3">νομός</b>). -- 2. Verb <b class="b3">νομίζω</b>, rarely w. prefix, e.g. <b class="b3">συν-</b>, <b class="b3">κατα-</b>, <b class="b2">use customarily, use to, recognize, believe</b> (IA., Dor.; Fournier Les verbes "dire" passim) with <b class="b3">νόμισις</b> f. [[belief]] (Th.), <b class="b3">νόμισμα</b> n. <b class="b2">use, recognized belief, (valid) coin</b> (IA.), <b class="b3">-άτιον</b> dimin. (Poll.); <b class="b3">νομιστός</b> [[generally recognized]] with <b class="b3">νομιστεύομαι</b> [[be generally valid]] (Plb.), also <b class="b3">νομιτεύομαι</b> <b class="b2">id., use</b> (hell. a. late inscr.; cf. <b class="b3">θεμι(σ)-τεύω</b>). -- C. <b class="b3">νεμέτωρ</b>, <b class="b3">-ορος</b> m. <b class="b2">dispensor (of justice), avenger</b> (A. Th. 485); <b class="b3">νέμησις</b> f., also <b class="b3">ἀπο-</b>, <b class="b3">δια-</b>, <b class="b3">ἐπι-</b> etc. from <b class="b3">ἀπο-νέμω</b> etc., [[distribution]] (Is., Arist.); <b class="b3">νεμ-ητής</b> = <b class="b3">νεμέτωρ</b> (Poll.) with <b class="b3">-ήτρια</b> f. (inscr. Rom, IVp); uncertain <b class="b3">Νεμήϊος</b> surname of Zeus (Archyt. ap. Stob.); perh. for <b class="b3">Νέμειος</b> (from <b class="b3">Νεμέα</b>). On <b class="b3">νέμεσις</b> s. v. -- D. Deverbatives: <b class="b3">νεμέθω</b>, <b class="b3">-ομαι</b> [[pasture]] (Λ 635, Nic.); <b class="b3">νωμάω</b>, <b class="b3">-ῆσαι</b> also with <b class="b3">ἐπι-</b>, <b class="b3">ἀμφι-</b>, <b class="b3">προσ-</b>, [[distribute]], [[maintain]], [[observe]] (Il., Hdt.; Schwyzer 719, Risch Gnomon 24 , 82) with <b class="b3">νώμ-ησις</b> (Pl. Cra. 41 1d), <b class="b3">-ήτωρ</b> <b class="b2">distributor, maintainer etc.</b> (Man., Nonn.).<br />Origin: IE [Indo-European] [763] <b class="b2">*nem-</b> <b class="b2">dispense, distribute; take</b><br />Etymology: The whole Greek system including ablauting <b class="b3">νομή</b>, <b class="b3">νόμος</b>, <b class="b3">νομός</b> is built on the present <b class="b3">νέμω</b>. The full grade <b class="b3">νεμέ-τωρ</b>, <b class="b3">νέμε-σις</b>, <b class="b3">νέμη-σις</b> a.o. follow wellknown patterns (<b class="b3">γενέ-τωρ γένε-σις</b> u.a.; but these are disyllabic roots); an agreeing zero grade fails. There never existed a "disyllabic root" e.g. Fraenkel Nom. ag. 2, 11). -- The widespread meanings of <b class="b3">νέμω</b> plus derivations provide a problem, which has hardly been definitely solved; Benveniste Noms d'agent 79 rightly stresses the idea of lawfull, regular, which characterizes the verb <b class="b3">νέμω</b> ("partager légalement, faire une attribution régulière"). Further lit.: E. Laroche Histoire de la racine nem- en grec ancien (Paris 1949; Études et Comm.VI); on <b class="b3">νόμος</b> esp. Stier Phil. 83, 224ff., Pohlenz Phil. 97, 135ff., Porzig Satzinhalte 260, Bolelli Stud. itfilcl. N.S.24, 110f.; on <b class="b3">νομή</b>, <b class="b3">-ός</b> Wilhelm Glotta 24, 133ff. (<b class="b3">ἐν χειρῶν νομῳ̃</b>, <b class="b3">-αῖς</b>). -- Of non-Greek words, that are interesting for the etymology, the Germanic verb for [[take]] agrees best to <b class="b3">νέμω</b>, Goth. [[niman]] etc.; further Latv. <b class="b2">ńęmu</b>, <b class="b2">ńem̂t</b> [[take]] (with secondary palatalisation of the anlaut). One might mention several nouns, which tell nothing for Greek: Av. <b class="b2">nǝmah-</b> n. [[loan]], Lat. [[numerus]] <b class="b2">number etc.</b>, OIr. [[nem]] f. [[gift]] (cf. [[Gift]] : [[geben]]; also <b class="b3">δόσις</b>), Lith. <b class="b2">nùoma</b> f. [[rent]] (vowel as in <b class="b3">νω-μάω</b>). -- The with <b class="b3">νέμω</b> also formally identical verb Skt. <b class="b2">námati</b> [[bow]], [[bend]] can only be combined with uncontrollable hypotheses. After Laroche (s. above) p. 263 <b class="b3">νέμω</b> would prop be. [[faire le geste de se pencher en tendant la main]]. -- Lit. and further details in WP. 2, 330f., Pok. 763 f., W.-Hofmann s. [[numerus]] and [[nummus]] (from <b class="b3">νόμιμος</b>?), also [[emō]], Fraenkel Wb. s. <b class="b2">núoma(s</b>), and <b class="b2">nãmas</b>, Mayrhofer s. <b class="b2">námati</b>. Cf. also [[νέμος]].